I added a new thread to this post at the end of the letter being sent out about the Margulies/Kolko affair; on the lifetime effect molestation has on children!
The following were sent an advance copy of the Kolko/Margulies mailing going out to our community this week.
Yated Ne’eman
Jewish Press
Jewish Observer
Torah Umesorah
Will they react? Will they move to purge our community of this rodeph? Or, will they wait for the secular media and the government to act before they do anything?
There is a chronic child molester in our midst. No, he is not
in hiding nor is he being kept away from our children.
Shockingly, he is a Rebbe in Yeshiva Torah Temima.
Rabbi Lipa Margolies knows of this Rebbe’s history of
sexually molesting children.
Rabbi Lipa Margolies refuses to remove this predator from his yeshiva.
Specifically, Rabbi Lipa Margolies has been repeatedly informed, from sources
independent of each other, that Rabbi Yidi Kolko has sexually molested
countless children during his long career around children.
Rabbi Yidi Kolko sexually molested children in Camp Agudah. Rabbi Yidi Kolko sexually molested children in Yeshiva Karlin Stolin. Rabbi Yidi Kolko sexually molested children in Camp MaNaVu. Rabbi Yidi Kolko spends his life around our children. It bears repeating that Rabbi Yidi Kolko is a Rebbe in Yeshiva Torah Temima.
We have a problem. This is not to say that our wonderful community has a
greater percentage of child molesters than other communities. We may even
have substantially less. Our problem is in our unwillingness to deal with this
horrendous problem. Child molesters must be removed from our midst. Our
children must not be subjected to them. Rabbi Lipa Margolies must stop his
unconscionable covering up of this problem and Rabbi Yidi Kolko must resign his position immediately.
We will not rest until our children are safe from this
scourge.The next move is going to be the mass media. You think your a Knocker?, not to the newspapers and the TV media.
We are writing to ask that you speak out and help bring an end to this problem.
Child molesters must be kept away from our children.
Our children deserve no less.
Concerned people please express your outrage, call Lipa Margulies at 718-438-1900 and Yudi Kolko at 718-252-6642
Lipa Margulies- You have ten days to remove Kolko from the school, or this letter goes out to the entire Frum Community! You Are Warned!!!
A study by Professor Rachel Lev-Wiesel
All the horrible abuses inflicted on the Jews in the Holocaust, did not do as much permanent damage as them being sexually molested.There can be no t'shuva for this great crime against children. The victims are tormented for the rest of their lives.
According to new study, sexual abuse traumas have greater effect on survivors than any other experienced during Holocaust years. 'Abuse still causes incessant thoughts, nightmares,' researcher says.
A new study conducted at the Haifa University reveals that Holocaust survivors who suffered sexual abuse during World War II were much more traumatized by molestation than by any other of the horrifying experiences they went through during that period.
The study, the first ever to focus on the subject, is set to be presented next Sunday in the framework of a conference to mark the international Holocaust Memorial Day at the university.
Prof. Rachel Lev-Wiesel, who conducted the research, said that although the survivors experienced other traumatic events during the holocaust, including the loss of parents, physical abuse and hunger, the memory of sexual abuse remained etched in their minds more than anything else.
"This abuse still causes incessant thoughts on the subject and nightmares," Lev-Wiesel said.
'Survivors told stories with clarity, precision'
The study consists of interviews with 22 men and women in Israel and the United States, who were willing to share with the researcher stories about the abuse they underwent during the war.
Lev-Wiesel said that some people who offered to take part in the study were rejected, because she believed they would not be able to cope with the burden of memories and the self-exposure involved with the interview.
The average age of the interviewees stood at 68 years, and Lev-Wiesel said all have told their story with clarity and precision, in contradiction to how people usually speak of a traumatic event.
This is proof, Lev-Wiesel said, that the survivors retell the story in their heads over and over again, reliving the past daily.
All the survivors interviewed for the study have spent the war years on the run from the Nazis, some at hiding in the houses of Christians, others moving from place to place with the partisans, an easy prey for menacing adults along the way.
According to Prof. Lev-Wiesel, this fact does not eliminate the possibility similar incidents took place at ghettos as well.
Abuser usually close to victim
In some of the cases revealed in the study, the abuse was carried out by relatives or other Jews, which alleviated the trauma and embarrassment among survivors.
In one of the cases the abuser was a man who helped smuggle children from one place to another, in another it was a father who sexually abused his daughter, and in several other incidents – mothers who molested their sons.
Prof. Lev-Wiesel stressed that situations of stress and war do not create pedophiles, but that they enable such people to operate more freely.
1 – 200 of 302 Newer› Newest»Once published are you concerned about the libel or slander laws ? Just asking.
No! Libel and slander pertains to false information.
You cannot intimidate me like you did the people in New Heapstead with your mass mailing crap re: Tendler a few weeks ago. Tenler himself brushed it off and so will I.
Make sure I don't get anywhere near your daughters. They'll be Hell to pay.
Even you never had it so good with them..
I warned you not to stray.
its about time somebody did something.
woe unto us if the only help we got from shkatzim is from anonymous bloggers.
i side with uo on this.
Atleast someone has the balls to stand up to this fucking monster marglis.
OJ wont have "balls" left when I'm done with them :))
This should be very interesting.
You might as well send the mailings now.
Lippy is having a good laugh.
You are correct that truth is a defense. But unlike blogging where anonymity can be preserved, once published in letters, you are subject to having your identity become known.
The fat Lip is not laughing.Either way he loses. my bet kolko is out of there.
I cannot wait to pull an 'Abner Louima' on OUJ!!
Hey OU,
Before you send out your 'mass mailing crap' don't you want a better idea of what your target is all about??
I'm ready to rumble whenever you are..I'm sure you'll love it! Your definitely my type!!
using the mail for fraud/blackmail has very serious consequences.
consult a good expensive lawyer before you do anything that risky.
you will find out about post 9-11
legislation you never knew existed.
Blackmail? The truth is an absolute defense. There is no slander or libel here. Kolko is a pedophile and has molested many many kids in his day. He does not belong around kids.
does R. M read this blog ? Is he being warned in some other fashion ?
Everybody reads this blog.
Margo and Kolko have been warned and given the chance to do the right thing. Don't hold your breath, their arrogance knows no bounds.
This should be interesting; it will serve to illustrate the direct power of blogging and will show all what kind of "dangers" the "Rabbis" are really afraid of when referring to the internet.
From my research about this whole thing,
there is no evidence to support these claims.
No once has any first hand info,
so it's probably all made up.
Kolko and Margulies DO NOT deny this. Repeat, they DO NOT deny that Kolko molested countless kids. Margulies merely claims that he doesn't think Kolko is still a threat.
These people are very sick and dangerous.
From my research about this whole thing,
there is no evidence to support these claims.
No once has any first hand info,
so it's probably all made up.
Uh huh...
Please grace us with your "researched" findings and show how you arrived at this conclusion. People with first-hand accounts have come forward on this blog and through contact with UOJ. It seems like the party is over for Kolko and anyone else who thinks their cover is secure.
Was in flatbush recently and saw Kolko in wienfelds (east 22 and l).
Made me feel very wierd to see this man with white beard who could pass for a rosh yeshiva sitting there davening maariv with such kavanah.
Then someone told me that one summer Kolko who goes to a bungalow colony (i think Irvington), was attending a simcha there and another guy from out of town was there as well, and the guy went over to kolko and punched him in the face, and proceeded to pummel him.
This doesnt happen to people who did nothing wrong.
so finish the story. what hapened after the pummel?
did some research
Here is what kids think of Rabbi Kolko:
they had to pull them apart and everything was hushed up.
of course.
I hear it was the talk of the mountains that year. I will try to find out the year. And confirm the location.
Time is now: Regency, not Irvington. The fellow who attacked Kolko was molested by him as a kid. Ever since the incident, people have been approaching him and recounting their experiences with Kolko. Kolko impacted countless lives.
This "Rabbi" is teaching our kids! Shame on Margulies for covering this up.
Sample size is too small, but you get an idea. Wonder what the respondent who said he was "hurt" by Kolko meant?
Louima? Ha Ha.
Get some of the boys from the 70th to pay kolko a visit. Will give a whole new meaning to "stickball".
I posted that exact question to the comment.
Too freaky for me! I almost had a chill go up my spine when i read that.
reminds me of that 7 year old girl who was killed and noone did a damn thing.
did this just happen, my impression is that the person telling me was recounting a recent event.
Thanks for clarifying it was the regency.
Its a very heimish place, and if kolko got beat up there, you know it was coming to him! Alot of former temimah guys go there. they all know the rumors.
kolko lives on 22nd street right next door to winefield. any other community this guy would not be showing his face in public. there is something very sick about the way we are just looking the other way.
The incident happened two years ago.
As a yachid, no one has the guts to confront him.
However, i know that there rabbis who will not tolerate improper behavior (rabbi sherer is one).
So why doesnt rabbi winefeld tell him to leave?
Rumors? These are not rumors, They are undisputed facts. Kolko molested countless kids.
why don't you ask sherer why he has nothing public to say about the matter?
What makes you think Winefield wants to pick a fight with his next door neighbor and Margulies?
Looks like rabbi kolko is handy:
(scroll to the bottom)
curious if he will post another project:
"how to molest kids and get away with it."
I wouldn't exactly call the Regency "heimish". A lot of guys there could use a crane to bring their noses back down to sea-level.
Weinfeld? he's got some winners in-house in addition to kolko and he doesn't utter a protesting peep.
Must be very happy he's got a Minyan.
Wonder if kolko had molested his son if he would still turn the other cheek and allow him into his shul? This hypocrisy and keeping quiet in the face of such retzicha is mind-boggling.
I guess rabbi sherer doesnt stick his nose in someone elses business.
This really looks like rabbi winefeld job.
Unfortunately, my sources tell me that rabbi winefeld is a grouch.
regardless, i heard the rumors of kolko at least 20 to 25 years ago.
What I never understood is why people send their kids to torah temimah, even though they went there, and know the story?
Kolko lives on the corner of Av. L and 23rd st. He parks his car on the E. 23rd st corner in the driveway.
Weinfeld lives on the cor. of 22nd and L.
Rabbi Winefeld daf is supposed to be very good, but the chevra who attend it are the types you describe so eloquently. They must of learnt from him, because he would never say hello to anyone other then those snobs.
Unfortunately "heimish" sometimes is synoynmous with stuck up. That is the case with some in Regency.
why? status symbol. shows you got the big bucks and can afford to pay lippy his asking price.
Play your cards right and you might even be zoche to be the Man of The Year at the Annual Dinner. WOWZA! Impress your business associates and keep raking in the big gelt.
How do you spell YOISHER?
The sickest people are the ones that look harmless. Anybody know someone that can't stop smiling, ever? Watch out, he's the guy that will fuckin kill you in a second.
Nicest 4-letter word in the English language.
corner of l and 23rd is fruchthandler (the chaim berlin owner), a sefardi shul, and 2 rich people who are not kolko.
Does he live one house off of those i listed?
Somebody should do a mitzvah and check the air pressure on kolko's tires.
Detective, don't quit your day job. Kolko moved a while ago to 1249 East 22nd Street, right next door to Weinfeld's shul.
Why would Weinfeld kick him out when the the queen of Ocean Parkway lets him in?
did a superpages search.
its east 22nd between L and M.
Wrong Fruchhandler. Abe lives elsewhere. Guys, easy on the violence before the wrong person gets hurt.
"Why would Weinfeld kick him out when the the queen of Ocean Parkway lets him in?
Aw shit I bombed the wrong house.
Time: Right next door.
queen = lipa
you stumped me. Who is the queen of ocean parkway?
also, its not quite next door, more like down the block.
abe's brother
re fruchthandler, it is someone who is affiliated with chaim berlin. Maybe not the owner.
detective-dont use those words.
yup its 1249 e 22nd st
Yankel, we're talking about a protected child molester teaching our kids and you object to the use of the word "shit"?
Are you for real?
Hey I'll beat the shit out of him no charge. I'm really tired of hitting my ashkenazi wife.
by the way, the leitzanus we devolved into is how it was 20 years ago. Everyone who mentioned kolko, always did so with a smile, as a joke.
Time, why was it treated as a joke?
Just for the heck of it I'm going over to Weinfelds for shachris. when does the sick piece of crap go there to shukel?
we were immature. maybe it made everyone nervous.
even today, mention kolko, and the response you get is, glad i didnt go to man avu....not its horrible, but glad i was smart enough to avoid the problem.
i know he davens at the early m"s maariv at winefeld (basement)
At least he was there that week.
Time, if you know of any victims please ask them to email UOJ. If we can make a splash with this exposure, we can hopefully send other predators running for cover, away from our children.
sorry, i just heard stories, not names.
Is the guy who beat kolko at regency speaking up?
you guys arent going to do jack shit, everyone on this blog already knows who uoj is, and nothing substantial has evee come out of this blog or his family.
This gross guy that writes, is a complete loser, he has no insight and hasnt ever provided any serious evidence on any matter. He's a plain old shit disturber.
About Weinfeld, why would he kick kolko out if he davens there once and a while? so he lives next door big deal. Is he any worse then the guys that daven by your place who commit fraud!
Whatever happend to the Pasik guy, did he ever get off the ground? I wonder why your site was hacked while his articles were posted!!!?/
Were any of you in Lakewood for the big TT bash, it wa a huge success. He can really draw a crowd.
TT bash in the holy city of lakewood:
sex sells.
It sure does, do you think they were giving out freebees.
"you guys arent going to do jack shit, everyone on this blog already knows who uoj is, and nothing substantial has evee come out of this blog or his family.
This gross guy that writes, is a complete loser, he has no insight and hasnt ever provided any serious evidence on any matter. He's a plain old shit disturber."
You don't even have the balls to use a pseudonym.
Any issue I've raised can be backed with solid, first-hand evidence. Even a fool would realize that it is not advisable (nor possible) to provide shmucks like you, who don't want to believe anything in the first place, with names of victims. Get real.
I think picketing in front of Kolkos house would be a good idea.
get the tabloids to come down and take some pictures.
Hee-HAA, HI-HO, yudi kolko has got to go!
wanna see the new lakewood dirt?
u guys gotta check this out!!!!
sick town
same old, same old.
nice idea, boog
TT party? Once this story breaks, these professional rabbis are going to distance themselves and their institutions from Margulies and TT.
Rule number one for these people is; Cover thine own ass.
For the record, the Kolko at http://www.echinuch.org/Tuvya/chanukah5766/chanukah_5766.htm is his brother.
Gross, were you molested by kolko?
He was not exonerated nor does he deny that he has molested kids in the past. He claims that he is no longer doing so.
This is not a vague accusation by a few victims. Kolko molested a vast number of kids many of whom are now coming forward for the first time in response to the publicity.
The internet affords us the ability to deal with gangsters in the Jewish community in a way that has never been available to us.
I for example have been a board member of many different Jewish organizations for many years, so I have seen the way they handle problems. THEY DON'T.
The rabbis are getting away with murder. They permit Kolko and his ilk to stay around kids under the guise that he won't do it anymore.
Molesters are a danger for life since they can not control themselves.
The schools are stealing money unabashedly from it's coffers to enrich the owners, nothing happens. They don't permit audits.
So I know what I'm talking about. Members of my family and close friends are sick and tired of getting nowhere.
I've submitted many articles without naming names to the Jewish media; nobody wants to get involved.
So I blog; change is slow.. but noone should doubt my resolve or perseverance. I will go after the bad guys one by one...I won't get them all, but don't bet against me.
the only thing i bet against is your pretzel nugget sized prick surviving a round or 2 with me!
Anyone know what suddenly started this whole thing. This was a huge thing around 25 years ago when I was in High School?
did the people who spread the anti-tendler materials a few weeks ago get hit with a lawsuit? Nope.
you know this kolko is a smart dude.
Can you imagine what would have happened to him if he started up with the satu-mares?
He'd being singing "The Happy Eunuch Song"
hey black hat:
Maybe Kolko made fun of OUJ's weenie sized whacker no larger than a Herrs pretzel nugget!
Kolko couldn't even get a good grip on it!
OUJ's been traumatized ever since then...
Good to have you back asshole; I know you were posting under other names.
Hey, the only time I would use you as a lawyer would be for my parking tickets, out of sheer rachmonus for your family.
Black Hat,
You want to bet against me; OK!
Good luck, Putz Yona!
I got a $25 ticket for parking at broken meter on Av. J, please represent me in traffic court, unless of course you know Judge Shubin.
You're pathetic and picking on the wrong person.
There is so much s--t going on with the silent acquiescence of our Shtika K'Hoydoya Rabbanute who look the other way and make sure they take good care of their Daled Amo$$ and you see nothing, hear nothing.
You mean the lakewood BMG poobahs allow you guys with black hats to wear rose-colored glasses??
He Shlomo;
Did you hear about that lakewood Chinese Auction?
Heilige Dass Toirah!
This Shlomo claims to have graduated law school from Lakewood; he's a huge pain in the ass and as smart as the dog you saw shitting on the fire hydrant in front of Kolko's house.
C'mon, no frum guy in Lakewood has a computer; certainly not a guy who takes a crap with his Borsalino.
You makin' this stuff up man!
i was molested by kolko.
horny f--k;
Al Goldstein is looking for a speech writer.
Please seek professional help.
Think Horny is Kolko or his progeny?
Who's coming to Maariv with Kolko tonight?
read-whose coming with kolko at maariv.
Shouldbe interesting. bring your video camera.
Hey Shlomo, if you're a somebody, you'll be on the mailing list and will get the letter that is being mass mailed. If you're a nobody, just read the post and the newspaper articles that will follow the mailing.
FYI: Kolko is no longer accepting calls from blocked callers and Margulies is going apeshit calling his Board for help. His Board who he disdains behind their backs as being his whores.
UOJ, why not delete Shlomo Margulies' spamming of your site?
I warned you about this Shlomo.
I got to admit, I missed his postings. Makes me really happy with who I am.
Thanks, Shlomo!
Kolko 1-718-252-6642
Margulies 1-718-438-1900
That's better.
Time, to disrupt. He wants to protect Kolko and Margulies. They are running scared.
why is shlomo posting that long lubab thing?
I'm a rebbe in the yeshiva k'tana, Margo is losing his mind over this. He called an emergency meeting with his top staff today.
Well, let me restate:
Why was the "proving the rebbe is not a scientist comment", deleted?
Why was it posted in the first place?
Shlomo is trying to sabotage this blog by posting crazy stuff to mess up the posters' train of thought.
UOJ: are you including telephone numbers in your mailing?
Yes, and the phone #'s are posted above as well.
"I'm a rebbe in the yeshiva k'tana, Margo is losing his mind over this. He called an emergency meeting with his top staff today."
And what did he say?
You're making a desperate fool of yourself. Crawl back into your cubicle now and retain some dignity.
Best Wishes
Posted By David
I too was molested by Rabbi Yidi Kolko, both while a student in 7th and 8th grades in Yeshiva Torah V'daas and during those same summers whilst a camper in Camp Agudah.
I used to get rides to school in the mornings with Yidi whether in his old blue car or in his brand new brown car. At that time he lived on 56th Street between 14th & 15th Avenue, whilst I lived on 57th Street, between 15th and 16th Avenues. He was newly married at that time and his first child, a daughter, was also just born then.
Once we got to the Yeshiva on Ocean Parkway, which then was just off of Caton Road, he would park the car (either down the block from the Yeshiva, on the Ocean Parkway service road, or around the corner, I think it was East 5th Street, and ask me to come over and either sit beside him or sit on his lap. Sometimes he would move over to the passenger seat and would then sit me on his lap.
That's when he went fishing. He would insert his hands down the front of my pants and would begin to "search around" to say the least. At the same time he would pull me closer to himself, or would push himself forward againt myself, sometimes even pushing me into the stearing wheel, to the point that it hurt.
Unfortunately I didn't react or complain. The winters were cold and these rides saved on not having to walk all the way to 13th Avenue to wait for the bus (especially on Sunday mornings), you were able to leave your house later since you could always make the ride, and you saved a couple of cents, which was a lot in those days.
During one of those Sunday mornings whilst we were driving on Caton Avenue, whilst I was sitting in the front passenger seat - I almost always sat in the front passenger seat - we were involved in a terrible traffic accident where a car went through a red light and slammed into Yidi's car. B"H we all got out without a scratch.
In Camp Aguda it was the same, whether if he took me into the trees, or into his cabin, or even would take me out for a drive. FYI, during the summer of 1970 I had my bar mitzva in the camp.
I of course told my parents and tried on several times
to explain to them what I was going through, but they didn't want to believe me and my "stories", etc. My father at that time was a very well known and respected person in the Boro Park & Midwood communities and within the Yeshiva world. So I just shut up and let the molestation and perversion continue.
I also think that Yidi Kolko is a danger to the students, past and present in Yeshiva Tora Temimah and I feel that it is about time that the wall of silence be torn down.
Did I suffer as a result, probably. But I have made a life for myself and today am very happily married with 4 wonderful children.
Posted by David to UN-ORTHODOX JEW at 9/23/2005 01:49:51 AM
So, how was Maariv at Weinfeld?
nobody is talking, but i can tell all hell broke loose.
Am I really supposed to believe that you are a Rebbi in TT?
Try something a little better next time.
Kolko is recording his phone calls. Beware.
I assume you know this because you were inside his house and saw the recording device, correct? Or did you follow the lead of this blog and make it up.
Call him and ask him. While you're at it, ask him if he denies molesting over a hundred kids.
Don't worry about Shlomo; lemmings don't have much intelligence.
Which newspapers do you have lined up for this expose?
I'm surprised only one father tried to punch kolko's light's out. This guy deserves a gang-bang. Kolko leiben, pray you don't wind up in Rikers. They play for keeps.
Kolko has offered to meet with all of his victims one at a time. Call him to schedule.
Black Hat: Why are their names any of your business?
Maybe this upcoming mass mailing will give these molested kids and their parents the courage to go to DA Hynes and bring kolko to justice.
valid point.
Let's see if this finally gets some action.
Black Hat: Fair enough. I was molested by Kolko. I know several people who wewe molested by kolko. They in turn each know other victims of Kolko. This is an open secret in our community. Very little effort on your part will uncover many specific incidents of kolko sexualy molesting kids over the past 30 years.
Black Hat: Once again. You knowing is not the point. kolko knows. Margulies knows. Kolko's victims know. You can choose to believe or disbelieve. Your choice can not change facts. This is about asking Kolko/Margulies to be decent and protect our kids.
Skepticism is the sign of an intelligent mind, there's no bigger skeptic that I know of greater than myself, so I do understand.
Here's the way it went down, believe it or don't, I don't really care that much. My battle is with the bad guys not the readers of this blog.
I ranted about Margulies months ago and said he was harboring a molester as one of his sins.
My good buddy Gross e-mailed me and we discussed by e-mail a bunch of things including do we "name" molesters.
We were saying something like, nah, we wouldn't want to do that, that may affect his kids. We agreed that was the way to go, I respect Gross's intelligence.
Before I know it I'm swamped with posts and e-mails telling me of their woes with Kolko.
I started speaking to some of them; I'm now convinced that they're telling me the truth.
I posted one guy's e-mail as a headliner, i get over 300 e-mails about this.So now I'm getting all kinds of these type of e-mails begging me to go public against so & so.
I decided not to and referred them for help elsewhere.
So what I'm saying is that I don't want to do these topics; there are other guys out there that's all they do. I say gezunteheit.
The Kolko thing is a sign of illness in our community, and I loathe that part of our community.
The Tendler issue took me months to be convinced that he was unworthy of being a rabbi, that's when I went public.
In summary, my gripe is against the "illness" that has become so prevalent; I don't know Kolko, but I can assure you if he harmed a loved one; he'd have to be wheeled to shul in a wheelchair.
The people that are willing to sully OUR YIDDISHKEIT for their personal gain is my enemy; those people I intend to do all I can to put them out of business.
One momzer at a time!
Black Hat,
Maybe maybe maybe. Maybe you are really UOJ; maybe you are really Kolko attempting to cover your ass. Maybe you are just automatic spam.
Not everything is a piece of Gemorah. Sometimes you just have to sit back, evaluate the discussion and take things at face value. It's hard to make this stuff up. How long do you think UOJ can get away with this if this were indeed untrue? This topic has been around on this blog for months. If it were indeed fabricated, do you think the people at TT would just ignore it? Google Margulies and look at the result. This can't be ignored. Kolko is caught (quite literally) with his pants down. Never in a million years did he imagine he would be uncovered with such a channel of communication. That’s the beauty of the internet and the main reason IMO that the “Rabbonim” seek to ban it – this is a watchdog - monitoring their every move. News and information has never traveled faster and more efficiently, without fear of bullying, or retribution.
Statistically, sex abuse is quite unique in that the perpetrator is very likely to get away with the crime. MOST victims (or, in our community, parents of victims) do not report it, for various (mostly obvious) reasons.
You might well-intentioned but you’re certainly naïve when it comes to this issue.
I attended a well-known summer camp for six summers (OK, it was Camp Agudah.) Anyway, one summer a popular counselor of one of the “older bunks” (therefore even “cooler” – all you former campers know what I mean) befriended me. For no rhyme or reason, he often left his bunk during lunch and sat next to me like we were best friends. With his arm around me, he would engage in conversation like we knew each other. I found it a bit strange but I figured he was a nice guy. I was kind of on the shy side, so I didn’t mind the attention. I did find it odd when he appeared devastated that I wasn’t staying the second half of the summer. With me, was nothing more than what I mentioned.
Flash forward, years later and we’re a bunch of guys swapping pathetic camp stories. A close friend of mine starts talking about his counselor when he was in the older bunks (you guessed it, Mr. Friendly) he recalls a story where they were all sitting around in their bunk house after dark and Mr. Friendly shoves his hand down another kids pajamas (I know this other guy too.) I was shocked at the story but not surprised – everything made sense now. I think (I’m not certain but I will verify it very soon) that my friend who witnessed the incident tried to tell R’ Kaufman (the head counselor) about it, but it almost landed him in trouble – Kaufman wouldn’t listen. No wonder things are kept quiet…
Now that I look back at that summer in camp, I realize that although Mr. Friendly was super popular and didn’t look at all like the stereotypical pedophile – he was indeed a real sicko. It’s scary to think what he got away with, because got to be lots of victims - guys like these don’t stop.
Child Sexual Abuse ~ Disclosures
Among victims of sexual abuse, the inability to trust is pronounced, which also contributes to secrecy and non-disclosure.
Source: Courtois & Watts, 1982.
Children often fail to report because of the fear that disclosure will bring consequences even worse than being victimized again. The victim may fear consequences from the family, feel guilty for consequences to the perpetrator, and may fear subsequent retaliatory actions from the perpetrator.
Sources: Berlinger & Barbieri, 1984; Groth, 1979; Swanson & Biaggio, 1985.
Victims may be embarrassed or reluctant to answer questions about the sexual activity.
Source: Berlinger & Barbieri, 1984.
Victims may also have a feeling that "something is wrong with me," and that the abuse is their fault.
Sources: Johnson, 1987; Tsai & Wagner, l978.
In addition to "sexual guilt," there are several other types of guilt associated with the abuse, which include feeling different from peers, harboring vengeful and angry feelings toward both parents, feeling responsible for the abuse, feeling guilty about reporting the abuse, and bringing disloyalty and disruption to the family . Any of these feelings of guilt could outweigh the decision of the victim to report, the result of which is the secret may remain intact and undisclosed.
Source: Courtois & Watts, 1982; Tsai & Wagner, l978.
A child's initial denial of sexual abuse should not be the sole basis of reassurance that abuse did not occur. Virtually all investigative protocols are designed to respond to only those children who have disclosed. Policies and procedures that are geared only to those children who have disclosed fail to recognize the needs of the majority of victims.
Source: Sorensen & Snow, 1991.
Study of 630 cases of alleged sexual abuse of children from 1985 through 1989: Using a subset of 116 confirmed cases, findings indicated that 79 percent of the children of the study initially denied abuse or were tentative in disclosing. Of those who did disclose, approximately three-quarters disclosed accidentally. Additionally, of those who did disclose, 22 percent eventually recanted their statements.
Source: Sorensen & Snow, 1991.
Young victims may not recognize their victimization as sexual abuse.
Source: Gilbert, l988.
There is the clinical assumption that children who feel compelled to keep sexual abuse a secret suffer greater psychic distress than victims who disclose the secret and receive assistance and support.
Source: Finkelhor & Browne, 1986.
Early identification of sexual abuse victims appears to be crucial to the reduction of suffering of abused youth and to the establishment of support systems for assistance in pursuing appropriate psychological development and healthier adult functioning . As long as disclosure continues to be a problem for young victims, then fear, suffering, and psychological distress will, like the secret, remain with the victim.
Sources: Bagley, 1992; Bagley, 1991; Finkelhor et al. 1990; Whitlock & Gillman, 1989.
source: prevent-abuse-now.com
R' Gross,
Yasher Koach!!!!!
Which Mikvah does Kolko use on erev shabbos?
Just pick anyone and look arount for the "pole" to hang your hat on.
Thats Kolko's pole.
My prediction is that margie/kolko will do nothing and call your bluff.
The only hope of getting results is that in 8 days from now you go to Mach-1 speed; do the mass mailings, go to the newspapers, and get as much publicity focused on these two MO-FO bastards as possible.
You have two things now going in your favor:
1. Bloomberg's announcement yesterday of his sweeping overhaul of Administration of Child Services Bureau
to better flag and halt child abuse in the aftermath of the Nixzmary Brown scandal, and
2. Gov. Pataki's very public announcement at the beginning of this week, announcing the introduction of new legislative bills to severely increase penalties for those convicted of child sex abuse. Get this: First time convicted offenders will face 25 years in jail!!! Repeat offenders will receive lifetime sentences without parole! This legislation is backed by Joe Bruno and Silver and has an excellent chance of passage. The politicians have put their finger up and see which way public sentiment is blowing on this issue. It's a good vote getter for them.(Pardon my cynicism).
Bottom Line is: Mee'toch Lo Lishmah, Ba Lismah.
If you get results with kolko, it will serve notice on all of the other sex predators out there and hopefully loosen the tongues of the suffering vistims.
Go sic 'em and Chazak!
No doubt this is a very big problem that is swept under the rug in our community.
Start with this one case, kolko, and get results.
Tofasta Merubah, Lo Tofasta; Tofasta Muat, Tofasta.
Gross I werent you told earlier that you dont add any valuable information to this blog
"Not everything is a piece of Gemorah."
Please dont bash what the jews have had for centuries with your misinterpertations.
"Sometimes you just have to sit back, evaluate the discussion and take things at face value. It's hard to make this stuff up. How long do you think UOJ can get away with this if this were indeed untrue?"
"This topic has been around on this blog for months. If it were indeed fabricated, do you think the people at TT would just ignore it?"
"Google Margulies and look at the result. This can't be ignored. Kolko is caught (quite literally) with his pants down. Never in a million years did he imagine he would be uncovered with such a channel of communication. That’s the beauty of the internet and the main reason IMO that the “Rabbonim” seek to ban it –"
this is a watchdog - monitoring their every move. News and information has never traveled faster and more efficiently, without fear of bullying, or retribution.
Statistically, sex abuse is quite unique in that the perpetrator is very likely to get away with the crime. MOST victims (or, in our community, parents of victims) do not report it, for various (mostly obvious) reasons.
You might well-intentioned but you’re certainly naïve when it comes to this issue.
I attended a well-known summer camp for six summers (OK, it was Camp Agudah.) Anyway, one summer a popular counselor of one of the “older bunks” (therefore even “cooler” – all you former campers know what I mean) befriended me. For no rhyme or reason, he often left his bunk during lunch and sat next to me like we were best friends. With his arm around me, he would engage in conversation like we knew each other. I found it a bit strange but I figured he was a nice guy. I was kind of on the shy side, so I didn’t mind the attention. I did find it odd when he appeared devastated that I wasn’t staying the second half of the summer. With me, was nothing more than what I mentioned.
Above Anon,
You are a shit disturber looking to go after people for the hell of it. Anyone that can read gross's story sees clearly that he was NOT molested.
As far as accomplishments go, we have many. I will get to them another time. I'm not here to toot my horn, I have a mission and it's not about bragging to you about my accomplishments.
Mr. Pasik, myself and members of the media are doing our thing; this stuff takes time, and I don't intend to sabotage my work by announcing it before I'm ready.
If this blog saved one child because yeshivas are extra vigilant about screening who they hire, this was well worth my time.
I leave you with this. I have much better things to do with my time than hang around a keyboard, I intend to clean up as much rif-raf in the commmunity as I can; gansters, thieves, molesters, predators and the sick element that tends to gravitate to the yeshivas.
I'm in it for the long haul and for the right reasons; God is on my side...I will prevail.
This is the new media, the Margolis post got thirteen thousand hits...he will get his, mark my words.
Go get 'em, Man.
Anonymous, There is a difference between the earlier attempts to get Kolko away from kids and this campaign.
For the first time ever the public at large is being approached. While we expect the Margulies/Kolko/Yeshiva Torah Temima machine to respond aggressively; enough people have credible or first hand information about this pedophile to reinforce the truth about Kolko.
"You can fool some of the people some of the time and all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time."
Second, after the mass mailing the newspaper articles will start. The mass media is out of the reach of the Margulies/Kolko/Yeshiva Torah Temima machine.
Third, once the newspaper articles commence followed by in depth magazine articles, the politicians will have no choice but to ignore the entreaties of the Margulies/Kolko/Yeshiva Torah Temima machine. The politicians have far more to lose by ignoring this threat to our children than the Margulies/Kolko/Yeshiva Torah Temima machine can ever offer them.
For the record, we have offered both Kolko and Margulies the opportunity to stop this embarrassment to our community. They were both given advance notice of this campaign and told that if Kolko retires immediately everything stops. If Kolko announces his retirement by this Friday, using any excuse he wishes, this stops. If Margulies maintains his arrogance by continuing to claim that he is responsible for the children at Yeshiva Torah Temima and that he believes that Kolko is no longer a threat; it might be time for us to let Yeshiva Torah Temima go as well.
Understand, the big story here is not that of one pedophile but rather of the massive cover up by Yeshiva Torah Temima, Camp MaNaMu, Yeshiva Karlin Stolin, Camp Agudah and all of the “leaders” who deem the reputation of our community more important than the lives of our children. This perversion of halacha and human values is as harmful as the pedophilia itself.
Pedophiles have no place among our children.
It's amazing that all of these "frum" jews are so concerned about the victimizer(s) and don't give two-shits about the victims.
Our Rabbinate, Organizations, Leaders, Mechanchim, etc. who know the truth of what has/is happening and remain silent have blood on their hands and are as culpable for these Retzichas as are the sex predators who stalk our kids.
To you "Rabbis and Leaders": Take your high-minded "ernste" Shabbos HaGadol and Shabbos Shuva Droshos and shove them up your sorry arses.
"Please don’t bash what the jews have had for centuries with your misinterpertations."
Quit your feeble attempt at adding simulated intellectual (and irrelevant) substance to your empty remarks. You aren't making any sense.
Of course TT is ignoring it - they are holding their breath and calling UOJ's bluff – for now. My point is, if the accusations were indeed fabricated, do you think they will just sit back and let "lies" like this exist in the open? Wouldn't someone make an attempt at reasonable contact w/ UOJ in an effort to dispel any false information?
Read my anecdote again: I was NOT molested (what is the motivation behind your question anyway?) My point to the story was, this was Camp Agudah and there was a counselor with a SERIOUS PROBLEM; there were witnesses and NOTHING was ever done. It shows how it is possible for animals to get away with things like this and go about their life as if nothing is amiss, while the victims remain silent. There are hundreds of camp incidents like the one I menioned.
There is another investigation underway concerning a former counselor who molested many campers at Camp Mogen Av. When he was later confronted, he did not deny it. There was no point in doing so. As a matter of fact this counselor admitted to molesting over 200 (!) boys throughout the years and when some of the victims were questioned years later, many of them DENIED being molested! Now do you get the point??
Gross: Kolko and Margulies do not deny the fact that Kolko molested many boys. They claim that he is no longer doing so and is therefore safe around children.
Really?! Safe around children!
Recidivists don't easily change their spots.
There is no way they can be certain he won't molest again. Once a pedophile, always a pedophile - unless of course he is castrated. Get real! There is no place for him in an educational facility. Period.
Gross, honestly do you really think they give a crap about UOJ and his family.
Everyone knows that Kolko is a molester and should be out of any contact with kids, everyone agrees on this.
Do you think UOJ is the right person to bring this forward, as the saying goes "Its a good thing he was born after his father"
I hope he has someone working with him as the front man, because his two cents no one cares about. Especially anyone at TT.
You pathetic ass-hole bastard piece of shit. You certainly are not the "right" person.
You are the same tinaf like the late Nixarymary Brown's neighbor who when interviewed by the media, admitted that Nixmary confided to him many, many times that she wishd her parents dead because of the abuse she suffered at their hands.
This piece of human excrement then threw up his hands in front of the camera and wailed..."Somebody shoulda done somethin!" So I ask and everybody asks this guy, where the hell were you, MO-FO?
Same to you anon, where the f--k are you? besides wailing and complaining.
So get the hell outta UOJ's way, let him do his thing, and let's see what happens.
Hey Anon: I think Boog is way out of line here. While UOJ gets a little carried away, he is pushing this agenda forward.
Since you agree that Kolko should be kept away from kids, why not help make this happen.
Call Kolko, call Margolies, call TT, speak to your friends and do all you can to make this happen.
You can kiss my ass, both sides.
On second thought, stay away from me.
I actually have, I've spoken to to Kolko a few times to let him know whats going on. He's an older guy already, and it seems like hes going to be throwing in the towel one of these days. He actually had know idea about this blog, and he couldnt care less.
As for Marguiles you are not going to change the man, he's going to do what he has to do, and UOJ is not the one that will take him down. He will continue what hes doing, even once Kolko is not around.
By the way UOJ when I mentioned your name to Kolko, he laughed, I dont even think there was any acknowledgment.
13,000 hits finally you got some attention. Is that why you made this up????????
Does anyone remember guys like Richard Nixon & Spiro Agnew????
The two most powerful people on earth were brought down by the media!
Don't bet against me!
Two scumbags like Kolko and Margulies, low-lifes that pollute Yiddishkeit, will come down, guaranteed.
Anon: If Kolko throws in the towel this week he will spare his family a lot of grief.
This is not about UOJ. I doubt Kolko understands much about Blogs. Nor is this about taking down Margulies. His customers deserve what they get from him, it's up to them to take him down.
It's about protecting our children from people like Kolko.
My friend Boog,
Nothing was ever accomplished by naysayers, all they can do is beat us up verbally and attack our ideas.
I say screw em, we are making headway, slowly but surely.
Calm down my friend, don't let these couch potatoes, who never did shit with their lives or for anyone, get to you.
The entire Tora T'mima's foundation was set up on a fraud. Margulies posed as Yeshiva Tora V'daas for ten years until bais din forced him to change his name.
He stole millions of dollars from the benefactors that intended to give money to T.V., NOT T.T.
Kolko was molesting children when Agnew fell. Kolko was molesting children when Nixon fell. Of those three, Kolko is the only one still standing. Maybe if Nixon had Margulies on his cabinet he would have survived.
Fellow Yid, is Rav Pam responsible for allowing this situation? Had he forced the Margulies issue and sent Margulies to jail, Kolko would not have had the ability to do what he did.
Food for thought?
Nixon - cover up
Margulies - cover up
Kolko - cover up
Nixon got busted for thecover up. the problem with our nutty kehila is the acceptance of cover ups.
I know the gentleman who accosted kolko in Regency.
He's a pretty sane guy.
He dosen't go around pushing people down flights of stairs or spilling hot coffe on people on his days off.
I remember as a kid (over 25 years ago )when our camp would go to Ma Na Vu to play baseball, the other kids in Ma Na Vu would tell us to stay away from kolko.
Something stinks on E22 street, and its not leftovers from a Weinfeld's kiddush.
Mr. Black Hat
You're out of touch with reality.
I see that you're paying attention.
You get an "A"
on course UOJ
People who have been maligned in these comments:
Lipa Margulies
Yudi Kolko
the Regency crowd
Rabbi Weinfeld
Weinfeld shul members
Simcha Kaufman
Rav Pam
Who is next?
Oops somehow I posted before Anon
Venting is cathartic and better/safer than me hitting me missus.
Besides, for these low-lives, this is the only shprach they understand.
The maligners were considerate enough to say only "some" of the regency crowd.
Yaakov: Sane and quite a fine fellow. So, are you willing to help with this?
Malign = To make evil, harmful, and often untrue statements about; speak evil of.
Anon: Kolko and Margulies were not maligned. Kind of you to not use the "Lashon Harah" label, but same message. Halacha does not begin and end with Lashon Harah
These two fall under the category of Rodeph and exposing a child molester and his protector is certainly obligatory under Halacha.
Just continue to be amazed and marvel at this frum-krumkeit of going to any length to apologize, protect, and excuse this pedophiliac behavior.
Boog: it's what the self interested Rosh Yeshivas teach them. Opiate of the masses. Only the few get to step back and think for themselves.
So I repeat:
They can take their Shabbos Shuva and Shabbos Hagodol Droshos and shove it.
I'm very perturbed over the actions and activities of a select few who dub themselves as "rabbis"
As I've stated in an earlier blog, to carry such a title is a tremendous resposibility. One who carries the title, must at all times act in such manner as to disperse all notions of any type of misconduct.
Unlike UOJ, all those who know me in my personal life are quite aware of my sentiments.
I'm quite vocal when it comes to expressing myself.
New York Times - January 25, 2006
Inmate Who Killed Defrocked Priest Is Found Guilty
BOSTON, Jan. 25 — A jury in Worcester, Mass., today rejected an insanity plea by Joseph Druce and found him guilty of first degree murder in the strangulation death of a child-molesting priest behind bars in 2003.
Mr. Druce, who was already serving a life sentence for another killing, will be sentenced this afternoon.
He had admitted to killing the defrocked priest, John J. Geoghan, who was his fellow inmate at the Souza-Baranowski Correctional Center, known up to then as one of Massachusetts' most secure prisons.
Mr. Geoghan was one of the most widely known figures in the sexual abuse crisis in the Roman Catholic Church, having been accused of molesting some 150 children in several parishes over three decades. He was serving 6 years of a 9-to-10-year sentence for groping a boy in a swimming pool.
Mr. Druce had pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity. According to testimony by corrections officers during the trial, Mr. Druce told them he "did it for the children," to stop Mr. Geoghan, 68, from molesting more boys when he got out of prison.
Prosecutors said Mr. Druce followed Mr. Geoghan into his cell at the Souza-Baranowski Correctional Center on Aug. 23, 2003, and jammed the cell door shut with a nail clipper and a ripped-up copy of "The Cross and the Switchblade," a book about a minister who transformed the lives of teenage gang members by introducing them to Christianity.
He then tied Mr. Geoghan's hands with a T-shirt, wrapped stretched-out socks around Mr. Geoghan's neck, tightened them with a shoe, and then jumped up and down on his body, prosecutors said.
Mr. Druce took the stand on Monday and contended that his own molestation as a child and years in prison had filled him with rage, and that was "freaked out" by Mr. Geoghan's arrogance and his stated plans to work with children again when he was released from prison.
Maria Newman contributed reporting from New York for this article.
Copyright 2006 The New York Times Company
Yaakov, you express your views to your friends and know B.S. was provoked in his attack on Kolko.
Our collective goal is to get Kolko away from our kids. You sound like an intelligent well-spoken guy. Will you help?
Like this?
Rabbi Yidi Kolko was one of the most widely known figures in the sexual abuse crisis in the Brooklyn yeshiva system, having been accused of molesting some 150 children in several yeshivas over three decades. He was serving 6 years of a 9-to-10-year sentence for groping a boy in a summer camp.
"Mr. Druce took the stand on Monday and contended that his own molestation as a child and years in prison had filled him with rage, and that was "freaked out" by Mr. Geoghan's arrogance and his stated plans to work with children again when he was released from prison."
At least this guy was sent to prison, Kolko never stopped working with kids! Why are we playing second fiddle to the Catholic Church? Are we worse than them?
I'm aquainted with B.S. and I find him to be one of the good guys.
If he decides to continue with any legal actions, I'll support him and his choice of action.
Somebody has to stand up and publically proclaim that he was molested by this individual, or we'll continue riding around this carousel of mud slinging with no defined justice for his victims.
If no victim comes forth, than people will say that these conjectures are no more than graffiti on the wall.
I'm aquainted with B.S. and I find him to be one of the good guys.
If he decides to continue with any legal actions, I'll support him and his choice of action.
Somebody has to stand up and publically proclaim that he was molested by this individual, or we'll continue riding around this carousel of mud slinging with no defined justice for his victims.
If no victim comes forth, than people will say that these conjectures are no more than graffiti on the wall.
B.S. is only one of over a hundred victims of Kolko's pedaristy.
What we need now is help with this publicity campaign. Please speak to Kolko and ask your friends to speak to Kolko; insist that he leave TT and stay away from kids.
What is "pedaristy"
pederasty. n. A man who has sexual relations with a boy.
Webmaster K back at you here....
Just to give yo a heads that your blog here is slated for complete implosion by sometime this Saturday afternoon/evening at the latest.
I'm still waiting for a Mr. S's check to clear before putting actual final phase in motion.
I'll let you know sometime Saturday afternoon just so you have time to throw up a new url :):):)
You may want to register with an entirely new name instaed of adding a letter. That would probably frustrate me a littel more in the future:):):)
in other words - Kolko
Hey web loser, learn how to spell, asshole.
Let's daven with Harav Yidi tonight.
don't get too close...you might get "pricked"
weinfeld at 9? think weinfeld likes being known as the host of this sick prick?
WOW!! Sounds as if Weinfeld's at 9 PM will soon have a SRO crowd for Maariv.
All for the zechus to daven together with a child sex molester.
Mee K'Amcho Yisroel!?
Boor B'rshus harabim.
Boog: Efshar a dvar torah before maariv? Make it interesting.
oh, and please bring an advance copy of the letter for rabbi weinfeld. thanks.
In case we get hacked, the new address will be:
UOJ, change your password and make it complex
some other suggestions....how about...
10. FrumButReligious.blogspot.com
9. PaysTaxes.blogspot.com
8. HatesFakers.blogspot.com
nu, I challenge the oilam ...
Actually BelievesThisStuff.blogspot.com
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