Tuesday, February 28, 2006

We Were Hacked - New Address is "theunorthodoxjew.blogspot.com"

There have been attempts to hack our site! Please note the new address if that happens!!!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I Don't Agree With Everything UOJ says!

An Interested Observer Comments

I have been following the postings and comments on this blog for some
time and I am surprised by the almost laughable objections to what UOJ
is doing. These same objectors, who may be very well meaning, would
cringe at the silliness of their claims, had they been made by the
pope and some archbishops about the abusive priests. If you have been
reading or commenting for a while, I suggest you carefully evaluate my
points. If you disagree with them, please try to find fault with the
points I make, and not vilify me just for supporting such a rasha.

There have been several recurring themes in the objections to UOJ. I
will address them one by one. Perhaps the most prevalent is that
because UOJ has said nasty things about so many holy people, he has no
credibility and it is in fact a mitzvah to bring him down. Another
popular objection is that this is simply not the correct forum to
address these claims. Those who make this objection usually compare
this case to Lanners and claim that it would be alright to name him if
he was found guilty, like Lanner was, but he hasn't been found guilty.
They throw in some peons to Megan's law, so that they seem credible,
but then say that until anyone is found guilty, it is wrong to act in

A third theme is that UOJ has some vendetta against Lipa, and since we
can prove that he hates him, it must be that this is his way of
bringing him down. Additionally, we have seen some people who claim
that UOJ has posted on Shabbos and has a potty mouth, thereby
nullifying any credibility that any of his claims might have. Another
objection is that since no victims have posted their names, how do we
know that he isn't just shooting now and asking later? Finally, there
have been some peripheral criticisms, that all the commenters are
really UOJ, or that the lawyer likes to sue people. If I have missed
any major points, please let me know and I will address those as well.

As far as the first claim goes, that he says bad things about
tzadikim, I have a hard time defending him. As anyone intelligent
knows, not every godol is perfect, but they aren't all bad either. He
has, in some cases, unfortunately made a one strike and they are out
rule, as far as his respect for gedolim goes. Nevertheless, that has
nothing whatsoever to do with the actual statements he is making. The
claims about abuse have nothing to do with his personal views. They
are about facts that may or may not have happened. His qualification
system for rabbonim may be half-assed, but those were opinions, as he
makes clear. However, the claims about Kolko are based on fact. You
may not have the same facts at your disposal, but that doesn't change
the fact that this objection mixes up two distinct types of claims
that he has made.

The second critique is perhaps the most insidious, since it seems so
logical on the face of it. Who could argue with someone who also hates
molesters, but just wants them to have their day in court? However,
people need to look at history. Do you know why Lanner, whom most of
you now agree is a bad man, has been convicted in a court of law? It
is NOT because beis din found him guilty and people made claims in the
appropriate forums and a criminal investigation was then launched. It
IS because the Jewish Week ran stories about it BEFORE he was ever
investigated and found guilty. I was one of the many who got very
angry with Gary Rosenblatt for speaking motzi shem rah and making the
frum world look bad. Well, he was convinced, even though many others,
like myself, who didn't know what he knew and felt that his was the
wrong way to go about it. In the end, we were proven wrong. These
claims against Lanner were circulating for over 20 years, and nothing
happened until it was made public.

You have no idea what UOJ knows. (Unless you are Lipa)You have no
right to judge him and say that he can only name names after someone
is found guilty. The only reason why there WILL be a criminal
investigation and why pretty soon, Kolko will no longer be around
children, is because UOJ let the victims know that they weren't alone
and that they could do something about this rasha.

The third objection, that UOJ just hates Lipa, again says nothing
about the actual issues at hand. Without having investigated his
claims yourself, how can you say that you know for certain that his
hatred impeded his investigation of the molestations? In fact, at
some point in the future, we should say Hallel to hashem for his
hatred of Lipa, because without it, many of the victims would not have
come forward. Does he hate Lipa? Yes. Is that a proof that Kolko is
innocent? Absolutely not.

With regard to the claim that UOJ blogged on shabbos, we are once
again faced with obfuscation from the issues. Did he in fact? No one
knows. He may have posted from Israel, and there may have been a time
stamp issue, or, he may indeed have posted on shabbos. Well,
regardless of what actually happened, this is not a defense. It simply
does not address the claims. If there was a court case about this, and
one of the victims who testify, is no longer shomer shabbos, would
that nullify their credibility? (That happened in the Lanner case) It
wouldn't even nullify their credibility in beis din, unless there was

While it would certainly help out his credibility if someone, maybe
someone who is no longer frum, came forward in public, it is not
essential, nor is the lack of one, suggestive that the claims are
fraudulent. The frum world is very close knit, and its history is
littered with victims who were trod upon after coming forward with
allegations. We have seen the smear machine working their magic
against UOJ, trying to out him and threatening violence, why would any
victim in their right mind, want to come forward into such a ruckus?
The other peripheral claims just cloud the issue further, once again
ignoring the issues.

At the end of the day, there are only two sorts of people who can
speak knowledgably on this subject. Those who know for certain that
the allegations are true and those who know for certain that they are
false. To know they are true, we only need to rely on the first hand
accounts. To know they are false, one must have been watching Kolko at
every minute of every single day for the last 35 years. It seems to me
that UOJ knows for certain. If you don't know either way, then I
recommend that you keep your eyes wide open in the next few months.
One way or another, someone will have a lot of apologizing to do. I
suggest that UOJ announce that he will flog himself publicly if he is
wrong, then those who demand his apology might quit whining.

Interested Observer

Saturday, February 18, 2006

My name is Jeffrey Herman and I am an attorney who represents victims of sexual abuse who were abused by Yudi Kolko

My name is Jeffrey Herman and I am an attorney who represents victims of sexual abuse. I am representing victims who claim they were abused by Yidi Kolko. I am currently investigating these claims. If anyone has information about this case, please contact me via email at jherman@hermanlaw.com or via telephone at (305) 931-2200.

Posted by Attorney Jeff Herman to Un-Orthodox Jews at 2/17/2006 11:28:55 AM

By Daniel Lyons

Child sexual abuse litigation will probably not generate anything like the settlements for, say, asbestos claims ($54 billion to date). But, like asbestos litigation, it has the potential to snowball, with profits from early settlements financing the recruiting of an ever-widening ring of plaintiffs. Among the cases in this gold rush:

* In Florida, a lawyer who has filed numerous suits against Miami's Catholic archdiocese filed a class suit on behalf of up to 100,000 Native Americans who allegedly were mentally, physically and sexually abused in government-run boarding schools. Attorney Jeffrey M. Herman says the suit, filed in April in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims in Washington, D.C., asserts that damages could run as high as $25 billion. Canada faces a similar claim from up to 18,000 Native Americans and estimates it will spend $1.2 billion (U.S.) to settle it.

More than 500 cases are pending against the Boston archdiocese, with at least a thousand more claims against Catholic dioceses nationwide. Some lawyers estimate as many as 20,000 people were molested by Catholic clergy in the U.S. in recent decades. And for every Catholic victim, Schiltz estimates even more may have been harmed by clergy of other faiths. These cases, moreover, MacLeish says, will prompt more victims of nonclergy abuse to come forward as people feel less stigmatized.

The lawyers help make that possible. In Los Angeles Raymond Boucher has 220 clients and is trying to form a class action. His Web site boasts a list of priests who have been convicted or accused of sexual abuse and a "secure victim form" that lets visitors click their way to a confidential complaint. Boucher's office also provides space to a "victim advocate," who has been contacting hundreds of possible victims, though Boucher insists this is for outreach, not for recruiting.

In Minnesota, attorney Jeffrey Anderson, with more than 700 past clergy cases and 250 pending, aims to use the Racketeer Influenced & Corrupt Organization Act (RICO), arguing bishops conspired in a coverup. He also is trying to sue the Vatican, complete with a complaint he had translated into Latin.

Some of these cases are likely to bankrupt some Catholic dioceses, but this legal assault seeks even deeper pockets: big insurers. Put aside the pious talk about protecting kids, and the racket boils down to this: Plaintiff lawyers are going after old insurance policies written decades ago under entirely different circumstances. Boucher says he has found two insurers with big exposure in Los Angeles. Pacific Indemnity, a subsidiary of Chubb Group, wrote policies from the early 1950s to 1967 and could be on the hook for several hundred million, Boucher says. Chubb says any effect won't be material. Allianz Insurance Co., a U.S. subsidiary of Munich-based Allianz Group, wrote policies from 1979 to 1986 and could be responsible for more than $20 billion, Boucher insists. Allianz calls this estimate "grossly off-base."

The Non-Announcement-Announcement

The deadline has passed, Yudi Kolko has not been put on leave.

Out of deference and respect to my friends who asked me to wait twenty four hours, because "they were certain that Margulies was in agreement to have a full hearing in front of prominent attorneys and rabbonim," I waited until 11 a.m. on Friday.

I was hell-bent certain that this was a trick; I tried to explain to my friends that Margulies was stalling for time, to regroup, and figure out a way to strike back and impede our efforts to rid Yudi Kolko from the presence of children. Ultimately, Margulies is more concerned about himself and his liability of harboring a vicious child molester willingly and knowingly for more than thirty years. He could care less about the safety of your children; for this he will lose his so called yeshiva. Nevertheless they pleaded with me to wait until Friday, I did.

I was right again, it was a trick!

I pulled the trigger; I did everything I said I would, and much, much more.

Jeffrey Herman Esq. is representing the victims. To the hundreds of victims of Margulies/Tora Temima/Kolko....you are invited to contact Mr. Herman and participate in the litigation. Mr. Herman's credentials speaks for themselves...he is an expert in this field, and has successfully battled and collected huge awards for his clients. He is afraid of nobody; no one is out of the reach of the law no matter what the color or style of clothing they cloak themselves in. He is a trailblazer in clergy sexual abuse matters.

As for myself, I choose to make no additional statements at this time, "yamim yagidu"!

A Concerned Parent Comments

I wanted to share a few of my feelings with you. I know you are very
determined, but the road is long, lonely and fraught with bumps, so it
is nice to have some support.

For a long time, I have been worried about the state of Orthodox
Judaism as it is currently constituted. I grew up with strong emunah,
and knowing that the Ari might have been dreaming, or that Rabbi
Shimon Bar Yochi didn't write the Zohar or that Besht stories are made
up, does not interfere with my willingness to live as a frum Jew.
After all, I still have a lot of meaning in my life and I would like
nothing more than to raise my children in the same system.

It isn't the history of the frum velt that makes such a path
difficult, but the current direction of its adherents. Whenever there
is a public story about a frum guy stealing or going to jail, you
always hear people say that you shouldn't judge a religion by its
adherents, but by what it preaches. This is possible when there is a
minute minority who disregards its ethos and shame the religion.
However, once there is a disturbing proportion who do so, and even
scarier proportion that stand idly by while it happens, it is no
longer possible not to judge.

Frankly, I am scared. I am scared for my children that I won't have
the heart to instill in them the love of yidishkeit that I grew up
with. How can I instill a love when I must warn them and watch them at
every turn to make sure they are safe? How can I sing Hamalach Hagoel
to them as they fall asleep knowing the state of the frum society they
will grow up in? How can I send them to the best yeshivos that they
can get into or my money can buy when I know that they might not be
safe from deviant predators?

None of this however, is the worst part. The worst part is that I
don't have the guts to do anything. How can I stand up and make a
scene when I see what happens to those that do? You have done so and
look what it has brought you. People curse you out and call you every
name imaginable. They threaten your wife and children. They try to out
you and publicly report your name and phone number. They advocate
violence against you. These sick misguided souls compare you to the
Nazis yemach shemam.

Is this the frumkeit that I will bring my children into? Is this the
beautiful religion that my grandparents lived defiantly through
concentration camps for? Is this what we have cherished and protected
all these years? No. Absolutely not. This is a sick twisted upside
down world where the victims are considered the bad ones while the
agressors are protected.

I don't hate the frum velt. I don't hate all the gedolim. I don't
believe there was ever an intentional decision that determined this
direction of the frum world. I understand that we are in a new
generation and face challenges for which there is no historical
guidance. I understand that very well and as a result, I do not cast
blame. However, I hate those who refuse to see what is going on around
them. Intelligent people, who bury their heads so deep in the sand
that they can revile someone for shaming their religion by exposing
the dirty secrets yet have nothing but compassion for those who
perpetrate them.

We are in a crisis and the small glimmer of hope on the horizon is
that there will be more courageous people, like UOJ, who will stand up
and say, enough. Until then, my head will also be buried deep in the
sand. Buried to hide my embarrassment and shame that I am frum and
remain quiet in the face of this crisis.

UOJ-Chazak Ubaruck. I daven for you three times a day.

Frum and Worried

You can publish this but please leave out the email address

Elliot B. Pasik Esq. Speaks To The Jewish Community

February 16, 2006

Dear Chaverim,

Because I am an attorney who has long been involved in advocating a program for protecting our children from sex abuse, I feel the need to publicly comment in the forum of this blog (unorthodoxjews.blogspot.com/) on the allegations being made against a rebbe at Yeshiva Torah Temimah.

Over the past several weeks, I have read various posts of alleged victim accounts which have given dates, places, type of sex abuse, and other factual detail.

In addition, the blog administrator ("UOJ"), a frum Jew and a musmach, has mailed thousands of letters to frum Jews in Flatbush and Borough Park. He has demanded that this rebbe's employment at the yeshiva be terminated.

I have also spoken to several adult individuals who confided in me their stories of childhood sex abuse committed against them by this man.

The allegations are serious, but there are solutions, and I will present them in this letter. In addition, concerned community members have been in contact with the yeshiva, and I hope and pray, b'ezras Hashem, that a resolution will be reached, along the lines to be outlined here.

For a fair amount of time, I have been advocating a two-part approach for eradicating the problem of child sex abuse in our yeshivas, day schools, camps, and other youth settings.

First, we need to perform fingerprint-based criminal background checks on all of our employees and volunteers, and in this way, we will avoid hiring convicted sex offenders, drug offenders, violent criminals, and other dangerous predators.

I have previously written in my letters to Torah U'Mesorah, Agudath Israel, the Rabbinic Council of America, the Orthodox Union, and the National Council of Young Israel that 42 out of 50 states now require their public schools to perform fingerprint based criminal background checks on their employees (including New York State); 10 states require their nonpublic schools to perform such checks (not New York). In addition, after too-numerous child sex abuse incidents, every major youth group in the U.S. is performing background checks: the Boy and Girl Scouts, the Boys and Girls Clubs of America, Little League of America, the American Youth Soccer Organization, Pop Warner Football, the Civil Air Patrol.

In the wake of the Catholic priest sex abuse scandal, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has required employee and volunteer background checks for all Catholic schools and youth groups since April 2003, whether required by law or not.

Even private corporations whose employees do not have regular access to children are voluntarily performing criminal background checks. An August 26, 2004 Wall Street Journal article reported that 80% of America's 400 largest corporations are performing background checks on their employees. Wal Mart, the nation's largest employer, joined this group after two convicted sex offenders working in their South Carolina stores were alleged to have molested children on store premises.

All of these background checks have weeded out thousands of convicted sex offenders and other dangerous criminals who would otherwise constitute a grave danger to children.

How great is the danger? The U.S. Congress and the U.S. Department of Education most recently addressed the school sexual abuse problem in a lengthy June 2004 report entitled, "Educator Sexual Misconduct: A Synthesis of Existing Literature", authored by Hofstra University Prof. Charole Shakeshaft, a leading expert. This report informs us that nearly 10% of U.S. students are targets of contact and noncontact sexual misconduct during their K-12 years. Among the security recommendations are that all public and private schools perform fingerprint based criminal background checks. This report is available on the U.S. Department of Education website.

Another good resource for people who want to educate themselves about the problem is a book called, "Predators" (2004), authored by Dr. Anna Salter, a Harvard College, Harvard Medical School-educated psychiatrist, who presents a mountain of evidence that establishes the great danger that child sex abuse presents. Dr. Salter has also written the two leading textbooks in use in our country on the treatment of sex offenders. Dr. Salter proves through her evidence that sex offenders should never work near children. Pedophiles are actually never cured, and they are in need of lifetime therapy.

In addition, there is also a mounting body of medical evidence which proves what we already intuitively know: that childhood sex abuse has long-term consequences. Medical studies have established that people who have suffered childhood sex abuse are at a greater risk for depression, substance abuse, and suicide.

Our own community has not ignored the child sex abuse problem. In May 2003, for example, both Torah U'Mesorah and the RCA, at their respective conventions, addressed the issue. I have listened to the audiotapes. A psychologist prominent in our community for specializing in this problem spoke at each convention, and described an incident in a yeshiva where a janitor with a criminal record for sex abuse attacked our children. In addition, the psychologist stated that we have suffered an unconscionable number of suicides of children who have been sex abuse victims.

Hashem yerachim.

I have made some progress on achieving my goal of having every yeshiva and Hebrew day school in New York State perform fingerprint-based employee background checks. The New York State Senate is drafting a bill, which I hope to have in my hands shortly. State Assembly sponsors will then be needed, and hopefully the Governor will support the bill, and it will pass.

But background checks are only one part of the overall solution. What do we do about the vast majority of sex offenders who never see the inside of a courtroom? Most child sex abuse victims never report the crimes done to their bodies, and unfortunately, even when they do, they are often not believed. More unfortunate, even when they are believed, successful criminal prosecutions are difficult, particularly where there is an absence of physical evidence.

Clearly, our yeshivas and day schools need to unite to form our own internal disciplinary system and registry, which will record the names of those individuals, who after a hearing conducted under careful rabbinic auspices, are found guilty of either violence or sex abuse, and will then be forever barred from employment in our mosdos.

Such a disciplinary system and registry would be neither novel, nor difficult to establish. Every public educational system in our country has such a program in place, as does the Catholic Church. We Jews therefore have numerous models to follow, and we should quickly establish our own disciplinary system and registry. In fact, the registry concept was specifically discussed and spoken of very approvingly at the May 2003 Torah U'Mesorah Convention.

In addition, I approaced the Rabbinical Council of America, an organization of approximately 1,000 rabbis, and proposed and drafted for them a Resolution endorsing background checks, and a disciplinary system and registry for all of our 700 yeshivas and Hebrew day schools that teach 200,00 Jewish children in the United States, including 100,000 in New York State. The Resolution passed at their May 2005 Convention, you can read it on rabbis.org, and I credit this Resolution for the great progress I am making in the New York State Senate for achieving a law that will allow fingerprint based criminal background checks to be conducted in our schools.

Our yeshivas and day schools do need to be concerned about laws that protect our children, and performing background checks, and having an internal disciplinary system and registry, will accomplish that goal.

Some New York laws that come into play are: Education Law section 3204, which provides that a nonpublic school teacher must be "competent". It is highly questionable, to say the least, as to whether a teacher who is a child sex abuser is "competent".

New York State Education Law section 549(1) provides that "the state has a primary responsibility to ensure the health, welfare and safety of children attending both public and nonpublic schools."

New York State Penal Law section 2601.10 is entitled, "Endangering the Welfare of a Child", and provides that it is a misdemeanor for a person legally charged with the custody of a child to fail to exercise reasonable diligence in preventing such child from becoming "abused". Statutes like these have been used in prosecutions of cases against the Catholic Church.

New York State Social Service Law section 413 makes it a misdemeanor for a school official not to report sex abuse to the New York central registry of childhood sex abuse.

In addition, New York courts have, on multiple occasions, declared the duty that a school owes to a child, sometimes referred to by the ancient Latin phrase, "in loco parentis", in place of the parent. When a parent transfers physical custody of his child to a school, the school stands in place of the parent, and assumes the same duty. Thus, just as parent would never hire a sex offender as a babysitter, so too should a school never employ a sex offender as teacher. See, e.g., Pratt v. Robinson, 39 NY2d 554 (1976).

The Torah has much to say about this situation, which time and space do not allow here, but suffice it to say that the Torah commands, Lo sa'amod al dam ra'echa, Do not stand upon the blood of your brother. This is a positive mitzvah that requires one Jew to save the life of another. In addition, the Torah tells us, V'shmartem nafshosachem me'od, You will guard your lives exceedingly. The Torah also tells us, Tsedek, tsedek tirdof, l'maan tichyeh. Justice justice shall you pursue, in order that you may live.

Certainly, if the individual accused of sex abuse at Torah Temima declines to resign, or if the yeshiva declines to terminate his employment, an evidentiary-type hearing, in my opinion, should be held. The alleged victims should testify, the accused abuser can also testify, and a decision should then be rendered by the professional panel of judges - unbiased rabbis and lawyers from our community.

Barring resignation or termination, the hearing may be the solution to our current
problem. This hearing can be the first step taken towards establishing our own internal disciplinary system and registry. Gam zu l'tovah.

This process and verdict can also be a refuah for the alleged victims who have suffered in silence for so long, at cost to their physical and mental health. They are entitled to some small measure of justice.

The establishment of our own disciplinary system and registry can also be a first step in teshuvah and recovery for the accused individual.

In the future, cases like these need not be addressed through anonymous mass mailings, blogs, and public letters from a lawyer such as myself. Our own genuine justice system, which will itself act as a deterrent, can properly handle such problems.

Together with our own hishtadlus, may the ribono shel olam endow all of us with the kochus and chochma that we will need to resolve our current situation.

Very truly yours,

Elliot B. Pasik
Attorney at Law
145 West Olive Street
Long Beach, New York 11561

Thursday, February 16, 2006

"It is time for Yidi Kolko to pay the price for what he did to me and to others".

I Am David

I have spent the past few days reading all of the comments that have been posted to this blog and would like to comment.

It was not easy for me to finally open up and put in writing and post on this blog some of the things that Yidi Kolko did to me so many years ago at Yeshiva Torah Vodaas of Flatbush and at camp Agudah.

Yes, I've been carrying it for all of these years and no matter how hard I tried to forget about it, it always seems to be there. Always there. And with every case of child abuse or molestation that gets publicized, it's always there. Even today, even when I'm happily married with 4 wonderful children.

I recommend that each one of you look at your sons, or brothers and ask: can they possibly be a victim of sexual molestation by a rebbe, a teacher, a camp counselor, etc?

And if he/they were, would he be strong enough to tell you about it?

And then the question I ask is: Would you at all believe him?

For you would ask: how could it be that such an outstanding rebbe, teacher, counselor, etc., who everyone loves and raves about, how could he do something like this?

And your immediate response would automatically be: No, my son, for some reason, isn't telling the truth, he must be lying...

As I said before, I've lived with this for a very long time and it is time for Yidi Kolko to pay the price for what he did to me and to others.

What this price is I'll let others decide.

They say that time has a way of healing - from my own experience, it doesn't ever go away.

In order to survive and remain normal, one must be strong... and always and continuously believe in Hashem.

Another TT Alumnus writes.............

I also learned in TT many years ago when it was on Church Ave and called Torah Vadas. I remember Kolko pulling down kids pants in front of the whole class and smacking their tush among other things. Come on this is a mechanach, the man is a monster. If your son came home and told you the rebbi pulled down his pants in front of the whole class what would you do?! Thinking back when I was in Bais Hamedresh there was a bocher who used to start up with other boys by fondling them, now he is a rebbi in some yeshiva does anyone think that monster was cured? Everyone who went through the yeshiva system should think back wasn't there always some boys who couldn't keep their hands to themselves? Why is it so unbelivable that Kolko is a molester, did anyone ever stop those kids? OUJ I for one am saying tehlimm for your hatzloche, personally I don't care why you are doing this just "alay vahatzliach"

Posted by another angry alunnus to Un-Orthodox Jews at 2/16/2006 07:07:35 PM

Posted By "I Know UOJ"

Torah Temimah parents, listen very carefully to me.

I am on the inside, and I know what I'm talking about it. Yidi Kolko is a serious child molestor, many times over. He has multiple victims. He victimized them over lengthy periods of time. The yeshiva, and the rabbis, did nothing.

But one does not even have to be "on the inside" to understand this. If you have a brain, which you all do, you would read all of the posts on this blog, and simply understand that the allegations are all true. Factual details have been given. There are multiple reports. The victims are frum Jews not likely to make up a preposterous story.

I have read the professional literature. A child molestor should never work near children. This is nothing to argue about. Pedophilia is incurable. The urge is always there. Therapy is always required, and the pedophile should never be allowed to work near children. This is nothing to argue about, no debate, no discussion, that's all there is to say. Any person who tells you otherwise, be that person a rosh yeshiva, rabbi, menahel, or otherwise, is either a fool, or has another agenda.

Do not listen to them.

You must demand over and over and over again that Yidi Kolko be removed from Torah Temimah, now and forever. Do not quibble whether he gets paid or not. Just get him out, and get him out now.

UOJ is not joking around. He has already made media contacts and is meeting with the FBI tomorrow. He can, just maybe, stop the story now, if you get Kolko out of the school. Or, at a minimum, you will make the school and yourselves look a little better in the media if Kolko is taken out of the school, now, immediately, and forever.

He swears that if Kolko is not removed immediately, he will expose Margulies for massive financial fraud, harboring a molester for thirty years, and defrauding the IRS out of millions, all criminal offenses. The board of directors have liabilty as well. Ignorance is no excuse.

UOJ has megabucks, he is out to make an example of these two criminals, HE WILL!!
He swears that Lipa Margulies will be removed from the school by you, the FBI, and the state board of education and the child protective services.

And if Kolko is not taken out of the school, there are other avenues. There are all kinds of government agencies that have a legitimate concern that child molesters should not be working in a school, and don't think that it matters that Yeshiva Torah Temimah is a private school, because the government regulates private schools too.

I implore all parents in the strongest terms possible. ACT NOW! TAKE CHARGE OF THIS SITUATION! GET KOLKO OUT NOW!

I am telling you, as one frum Jew to another, as G-d is watching over every word I write on this blog, that every word I've said is emes. This is pikuach nefesh for our children's bodies and souls, and this is not a matter that can be ignored. Lo sa'amod al dam ra'echa, Do not stand upon the blood of your brothers, is a positive commandment, and we are all required to obey this mitzvah to the fullest degree. Just stop whatever you're doing, organize yourselves, and demand from the yeshiva board that Kolko be terminated, now and forever.

Hashem yerachim.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Dear parents of Yeshiva Torah Temimah students

I bring my readers a copy of a letter sent to Lipa Margulies by the group I’m working with to rid Yeshiva Torah Temimah of Yidi Kolko the child molester. If Margulies refuses the offer we move to the second step in our campaign to protect children from Yidi Kolko the molester.

Dear parents of Yeshiva Torah Temimah students, if Margulies does not remove Yidi Kolko the molester, Yeshiva Torah Temimah is finished. Either convince this evil old man to change his ways or enroll your children elsewhere. You will want your children to be very far away from Yeshiva Torah Temima when our second step hits (no, we are NOT threatening violence.) Your children do not deserve the stigma that will attach to them if Margulies doesn’t do the right thing very soon.

The Letter:

Rabbi Leopold Margulies
609 Ocean Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11218

Rabbi Margulies:

This is to follow up on our earlier letters and telephone conversations.

To knowingly harbor a child molester is a crime. Despite your complicity in Yidi Kolko’s heinous atrocities and your continued refusal to remove this chronic child molester from our children’s classroom, we believe the greater good of our community is served by this matter being resolved without need for further action.

Accordingly, we are making the following offer. Our group and you will each deposit $100,000.00 [We suggest you fund your $100,000.00 contribution from the $1,900,000.00 you took from Yeshiva & Mesifta Torah Temimah on December 23, 2005.] with a mutually agreed upon major law firm. The law firm will have sole authority to spend the $200,000.00 investigating the charges of child molestation against Yidi Kolko and the charges against you of sheltering and covering up the child molesting. You will cooperate fully in this investigation. In the event Kolko and you are exonerated, we will reimburse your $100,000.00 and issue a public retraction and apology. In the event Kolko and you are found guilty, the report will be released to the public. For your causing countless families' lives destroyed, you must compensate them by setting up a five million dollar fund to be administered by Torah Umesorah.

As a condition of this offer, Yidi Kolko must be placed on immediate leave of absence.

You may announce your acceptance of our offer by contacting Rabbi Joshua Fishman of Torah Umesorah on or before February 16, 2006, 12:00 PM.

Please take heed and consider this proposal carefully for your business will not survive our next move. The progression of this campaign remains entirely up to you. We do not want to escalate this unfortunate situation to the next level. We are proud of our heritage and suffer greatly when scandal hits our community. Nonetheless, we will not sit idly by and allow you to devastate our children.

To paraphrase, it is not our purpose to destroy you or Yeshiva Torah Temimah, but only when child molesters have been extirpated from our schools and camps will there be hope for a decent life for our children.

CC: Rabbi Joshua Fishman
Rabbi Shmuel Bloom

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Why Is This Child Molester Being Kept At Rasha Gamur - Lipa Margulies's Personal Piggy Bank - Torah Temima ?

I urge everyone to read the comments posted on the original address "Unorthodoxjew.blogspot.com"-Friday, September 23, 2005 .

Why Is This Child Molester Being Kept At Rasha Gamur-Margulies's personal Piggy Bank - Tora Temima?

I want you to ask yourself one honest question; do you really think David is making this experience up?

Posted By David

"I too was molested by Rabbi Yidi Kolko, both while a student in 7th and 8th grades in Yeshiva Torah V'daas and during those same summers whilst a camper in Camp Agudah.

I used to get rides to school in the mornings with Yidi whether in his old blue car or in his brand new brown car. At that time he lived on 56th Street between 14th & 15th Avenue, whilst I lived on 57th Street, between 15th and 16th Avenues. He was newly married at that time and his first child, a daughter, was also just born then.

Once we got to the Yeshiva on Ocean Parkway, which then was just off of Caton Road, he would park the car (either down the block from the Yeshiva, on the Ocean Parkway service road, or around the corner, I think it was East 5th Street, and ask me to come over and either sit beside him or sit on his lap. Sometimes he would move over to the passenger seat and would then sit me on his lap.

That's when he went fishing. He would insert his hands down the front of my pants and would begin to "search around" to say the least. At the same time he would pull me closer to himself, or would push himself forward againt myself, sometimes even pushing me into the stearing wheel, to the point that it hurt.

Unfortunately I didn't react or complain. The winters were cold and these rides saved on not having to walk all the way to 13th Avenue to wait for the bus (especially on Sunday mornings), you were able to leave your house later since you could always make the ride, and you saved a couple of cents, which was a lot in those days.

During one of those Sunday mornings whilst we were driving on Caton Avenue, whilst I was sitting in the front passenger seat - I almost always sat in the front passenger seat - we were involved in a terrible traffic accident where a car went through a red light and slammed into Yidi's car. B"H we all got out without a scratch.

In Camp Aguda it was the same, whether if he took me into the trees, or into his cabin, or even would take me out for a drive. FYI, during the summer of 1970 I had my bar mitzva in the camp.

I of course told my parents and tried on several times
to explain to them what I was going through, but they didn't want to believe me and my "stories", etc. My father at that time was a very well known and respected person in the Boro Park & Midwood communities and within the Yeshiva world. So I just shut up and let the molestation and perversion continue.

I also think that Yidi Kolko is a danger to the students, past and present in Yeshiva Tora Temimah and I feel that it is about time that the wall of silence be torn down.

Did I suffer as a result, probably. But I have made a life for myself and today am very happily married with 4 wonderful children".

Posted by David to UN-ORTHODOX JEW at 9/23/2005 01:49:51 AM

UOJ Comments

Everyone in the community is complicit with this criminal Margulies!
Lipa Margulies is an example of how a BIG crook gets away with murder (yes, murder of the soul of G-d knows how many children.) Margulies is the number one low-life in the Orthodox community and all of you know it.
He began his school with a major fraud and massive theft. His God is the almighty dollar.

He continues to harbor a child molester.

Every board member of this school or person of influence should hide themselves in shame! There is no wonder why the community is plagued with tragedies. You bring it on yourselves. Generations of Jewish people suffer because you really don't give a damn about anything that you feel doesn't effect you directly. I hope your kids and grandkids suffer the same fate as the above David, at the hands of a vicious child molester. You are all no better than the KING SCUMBAG of the Jewish community!

The above David's story is easily verifiable:

1-What was the name of Torah Temima around 1970?
2-Did Kolko have an "old blue car and a "new brown car" at that time?
3-Did Kolko live on 56th st, between 14th & 15th av. at that time?
4-Did he give any kids rides to school at that time?
5-Check the DMV records; was Kolko in a car accident on a Sunday and was the accident on Caton Av?
6-Did Kolko recently marry and have a baby girl around that time?

Check out these claims of David for yourself?

I am NOT going away until this DANGER is never in a position to hurt children again!


Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Dear Brothers,

Mr. Jeffrey Herman was interviewed on Fox News last night.
I did NOT speak with him, why don't you call him and form your own opinion about your ability to prevail against Kolko/Margulies.
Go directly to an attorney who can help you.

Herman & Mermelstein, P.A.
18205 Biscayne Boulevard
Suite 2218
Miami, Florida 33160

Call Toll Free!!

Tel / 305-931-2200
Fax / 305-931-0877

Email lawyers@hermanlaw.com

Herman & Mermelstein – Verdicts & Settlements
VICTIMS OF CLERGY ABUSE RECEIVE OVER $5,000,000. Attorney Jeff Herman obtained settlement for plaintiffs who were sexually abused as children by priests of the Archdiocese of Miami. Although the abuse took place decades ago, Mr. Herman was able to successfully avoid the statute of limitations and bring justice to his clients.

THREE VICTIMS RECEIVE $1,500,000 FROM DIOCESE OF ORLANDO AND DIOCESE OF ST. AUGUSTINE IN SEXUAL ABUSE CASE. The three victims were abused by priests in Orlando, Florida during the 1960s. Attorney Jeff Herman settled the case for $1.5 million before filing suit. The case was settled in 2005.

ATTORNEY JEFF HERMAN WON A $530,000 VERDICT FOR A MENTALLY DISABLED MAN WHO WAS SEXUALLY ASSAULTED AT VICTORY VILLAS/VICTORY LIVING PROGRAM. The plaintiff was sexually assaulted by his roommates in the Victory Living Program. Attorney Jeff Herman argued that Victory Villas was liable because they had knowledge of the dangerous propensities of the roommate who assaulted the plaintiff. After a two-week trial, the jury found in favor of the plaintiff.

HANDICAPPED CHILDREN SEXUALLY ABUSED AT SCHOOL RECEIVE CONFIDENTIAL SETTLEMENT. The children attended a school that provides education services to special needs children. The school hired a pedophile to work at the school. Attorney Jeff Herman represented multiple children. The cases were settled for a confidential amount.

BOY SEXUALLY ABUSED BY NURSING HOME CHAPLAIN RECEIVES $500,000. The boy was visiting his grandmother at the Villa Maria Nursing Center, which is operated by Catholic Health Services. On a visit, the chaplain of the nursing home took the boy into his room and sexually assaulted him. After filing suit, the case was settled.

THREE SISTERS SEXUALLY ABUSED BY CARPENTER AT CHURCH RECEIVE $540,000 IN DAMAGES. The family of the three girls volunteered to clean the church on the weekends when the girls were 7, 8, and 9 years old. A carpenter volunteering at the church, who was previously arrested for sexual assault, sexually abused the girls while they were working at the church. The little girls did not disclose the abuse at the church until they became adults. Attorney Jeff Herman filed suit and alleged that the pastor at the church knew or should have known that the girls were being abused, in as much as he witnessed the carpenter taking one of the girls into the church bathroom. After filing suit, the case was settled.

Jeff Herman and his legal team have reached many successful verdicts and settlements. This page lists some of our firm's greatest accomplishments.

18205 Biscayne Boulevard | Suite 2218 | Miami, Florida 33160

Posted By David

I too was molested by Rabbi Yidi Kolko, both while a student in 7th and 8th grades in Yeshiva Torah V'daas and during those same summers whilst a camper in Camp Agudah.

I used to get rides to school in the mornings with Yidi whether in his old blue car or in his brand new brown car. At that time he lived on 56th Street between 14th & 15th Avenue, whilst I lived on 57th Street, between 15th and 16th Avenues. He was newly married at that time and his first child, a daughter, was also just born then.

Once we got to the Yeshiva on Ocean Parkway, which then was just off of Caton Road, he would park the car (either down the block from the Yeshiva, on the Ocean Parkway service road, or around the corner, I think it was East 5th Street, and ask me to come over and either sit beside him or sit on his lap. Sometimes he would move over to the passenger seat and would then sit me on his lap.

That's when he went fishing. He would insert his hands down the front of my pants and would begin to "search around" to say the least. At the same time he would pull me closer to himself, or would push himself forward againt myself, sometimes even pushing me into the stearing wheel, to the point that it hurt.

Unfortunately I didn't react or complain. The winters were cold and these rides saved on not having to walk all the way to 13th Avenue to wait for the bus (especially on Sunday mornings), you were able to leave your house later since you could always make the ride, and you saved a couple of cents, which was a lot in those days.

During one of those Sunday mornings whilst we were driving on Caton Avenue, whilst I was sitting in the front passenger seat - I almost always sat in the front passenger seat - we were involved in a terrible traffic accident where a car went through a red light and slammed into Yidi's car. B"H we all got out without a scratch.

In Camp Aguda it was the same, whether if he took me into the trees, or into his cabin, or even would take me out for a drive. FYI, during the summer of 1970 I had my bar mitzva in the camp.

I of course told my parents and tried on several times
to explain to them what I was going through, but they didn't want to believe me and my "stories", etc. My father at that time was a very well known and respected person in the Boro Park & Midwood communities and within the Yeshiva world. So I just shut up and let the molestation and perversion continue.

I also think that Yidi Kolko is a danger to the students, past and present in Yeshiva Tora Temimah and I feel that it is about time that the wall of silence be torn down.

Did I suffer as a result, probably. But I have made a life for myself and today am very happily married with 4 wonderful children.

Posted by David to UN-ORTHODOX JEW at 9/23/2005 01:49:51 AM

Saturday, February 04, 2006

A Heartfelt Letter To The Abuse Victims Of Kolko/Margulies/Tora Temima

Dearest Brothers,

I am not going to assume that I understand the life-long pain you are suffering being victims of sexual abuse. If the hurt you are presently feeling is because I have brought this issue to the front and center of the Orthodox world, kindly understand that I did it with the sole purpose of creating a new climate in our world; that of accountability.

The religious organizations as well as the yeshivas have failed miserably in protecting our youth from the merciless hands of abusers, be it sexual abuse or emotional. In matter of fact the Agudah for example, has ACTIVELY pursued a policy of protecting the molesters and their cohorts, by blocking every single piece of legislation that would have permitted the authorities to protect our children from the predators.They say "let the principals handle it," when the principals in many cases are involved in covering up the scandals to protect the "reputations" of their highly profitable fiefdoms.

There is nothing in it for me. I will remain anonymous; no fame, no glory, no plaques, no maftir, no money other than the money I intend to spend to publicize the issues that should be addressed by the organizations but are not. The mailing on Thursday is working it's way to your mailboxes; the post office and the mailing service are nice and friendly, but they insist on getting paid for their services. Bummer.

I would understand your hesitancy to come forward in a civil lawsuit against the above named people and entities; this is what I can offer to you as miniscule compensation for the suffering you have experienced.

I am in contact with the law firm who has collected in excess of two hundred million dollars from the various Catholic churches and archdioceses that were found guilty of harboring molesters.This is what they uncovered so far.

1- The combined assets of Kolko, Margulies, Tora Temima and it's entities have a net worth in excess of fifty million dollars.

2- "Leopold" Margulies started moving millions of dollars of assets around at the end of last year.

3- The law firm is VERY CERTAIN that if there are twenty bona fide witnesses,they can obtain a judgment against the above named entities, and wrestle away ALL the assets of the above named people and entities.

4- The juries have awarded damages, depending on the circumstances, from $500,000-$5,000,000, read five million dollars per victim.

5- In order for this firm to take this case the following has to happen:

a- I must give them a $100,000 retainer, which will be reimbursed to me after they collect on the judgment. This reimbursement would come from the "law firm's" proceeds, not from the victims'.

b- I am willing to do that out of my personal funds. I DO NOT want money from anyone!

c- The law firm's share would be one third of whatever they collect, the rest is going to be distributed in it's entirety to the victims.

d- They will NOT take the case until they have interviewed at the very least TWENTY victims, and are convinced of the credibility of the individuals.

e- I'm sure you are aware that everything you divulge to the attorneys would be protected under the attorney-client privilege.

The following must now happen in order for me to proceed. I must be contacted by e-mail by at the very least twenty five people that are willing to testify in court. ALL REPLIES WILL BE HELD IN THE STRICTEST CONFIDENCE.

The way I see it, each victim potentially would be able to collect anywhere from one to two million dollars, realistically. That is not to say that the judgment could not be greater than fifty million dollars; anything above fifty million, in my opinion, would not be collectible.

The alternative to actually taking money; you may wind up owning Yeshiva Tora Temima and it's entities, Margulies's house and Kolko's house, and you would now be in control of the yeshiva, to run it as you deem fit.

Please let me know. I am prepared to move quickly!

Hatzlacha v'kol tuv.


This is the letter. On yellow paper with a postmark dated February 2, 2006. UOJ, a man of his word!



There is a chronic child molester in our midst. He is not in hiding nor is he being kept away from our children. Shockingly, he is a Rebbe in Yeshiva Torah Temima located at 507 & 555 Ocean Parkway in Brooklyn, New York.

Rabbi Lipa Margulies knows of this Rebbe’s history of sexually molesting children. Rabbi Lipa Margulies refuses to remove this predator from his yeshiva. Specifically, Rabbi Lipa Margulies has been informed; repeatedly and from sources independent of each other; that Rabbi Yidi Kolko has sexually molested countless children during his long career around children.

Rabbi Yidi Kolko sexually molested children in Camp Agudah. Rabbi Yidi Kolko sexually molested children in Yeshiva Karlin Stolin. Rabbi Yidi Kolko sexually molested children in Camp MaNaVu. Rabbi Yidi Kolko spends his life around our children. It bears repeating that Rabbi Yidi Kolko is currently a Rebbe in Yeshiva Torah Temima.

We have a problem. This is not to say that our wonderful community has more child molesters than other communities. We may even have substantially fewer. The problem is in our propensity to ignore the covering up of these horrendous incidents. Child molesters must be exposed and removed from our midst. Our children must not be subjected to molesters while in school. Rabbi Lipa Margulies must stop his unconscionable employment of this molester and his covering up of this threat. Rabbi Yidi Kolko must resign his position immediately. We can not rest until our children are safe from this scourge.

This mailing should not have been necessary. Both Rabbi Yidi Kolko and Rabbi Lipa Margulies were given advance copies of this letter and advised if Rabbi Yidi Kolko left Yeshiva Torah Temima immediately, this mailing would be stopped. Rabbi Yidi Kolko responded: “the matter has been taken care of” coupled with an offer to meet with his victims in person, one at a time. Rabbi Lipa Margulies responded: “I don’t think he is still a threat and I am responsible for the children” followed by “Anyone who doesn’t like it, doesn’t have to send their children to my yeshiva.” In short, neither of these Mechanchim deny the facts; they simply refuse to do the right thing.

We are writing to ask you to speak out and help bring an end to this nightmare. Please call Rabbi Yidi Kolko at 1-718-252-6642 and ask him to resign his position immediately. Please call Rabbi Lipa Margulies at 1-718-438-1900 and ask him to dismiss Rabbi Yidi Kolko immediately. Child molesters must be kept away from our children. Our children deserve no less.

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Posted by Anonymous to Un-Orthodox Jews at 2/06/2006 07:21:57 PM

Thursday, February 02, 2006

The First Of The TEN Makos Is Going To Strike Your Mailbox In A Few Days

Makah # 2-If this letter doesn't get Kolko away from our children, we are going to cooperate with the secular print media.

Makah # 3-If that doesn't get Kolko away from our children, we will cooperate with the local TV stations.

Makah # 4-If that doesn't get Kolko away from our children we will cooperate with national TV.

Makah # 5-If that doesn't get Kolko away from our children we are going to the Brooklyn DA.

Makah # 6- the NYS Attorney General.

Makah # 7-the Feds.

Makah # 8, 9, 10............TBD!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Mr. Margulies:

As I see it you have 24 hours to make a decision which may determine the fate of your life's work.

Door number 1: fire the chronic child molester Kolko and you get to die with your business somewhat intact.

Door number 2: assume you can threaten and buy your way out of this looming disaster and you leave this world in absolute and utter disgrace.

I'm here to inform you that if Kolko is not out of Torah Temima today, you will be facing your Waterloo, Hiroshima and Nagasaki all rolled into one nice neat package. No more dinners, no more $50,000.00 club members and no more board members to take advantage of.

Don't be stupid, you have too much to lose. We have allowed you to build up a big business in our community.We should have ousted you years ago; you are HUMAN TINAF!

All we ask is that you not subject our children to a molester. Do the right thing. Get rid of this child molester today.

You never had to deal with a force as powerful as this; WE WILL CONTINUE OUR EFFORTS UNTIL OUR GOAL IS MET, NO BUYING YOUR WAY OUT OF THIS SCANDAL!

The letter below is being mailed TONIGHT to thousands of Orthodox Jewish households in Boro Park, Kensington and Flatbush. I am asking my readers to please copy the letter from this post and e-mail it to as many people as possible. Together, we can put a stop to this depravity.


There is a chronic child molester in our midst. He is not in hiding nor is he being kept away from our children. Shockingly, he is a rebbe in Yeshiva Torah Temima located at 507 & 555 Ocean Parkway in Brooklyn, New York.

Rabbi Lipa Margulies knows of this rebbe’s history of sexually molesting children. Rabbi Lipa Margulies refuses to remove this predator from his yeshiva. Specifically, Rabbi Lipa Margulies has been informed, repeatedly and from sources independent of each other, that Rabbi Yidi Kolko has sexually molested countless children during his long career around children.

Rabbi Yidi Kolko sexually molested children in Camp Agudah. Rabbi Yidi Kolko sexually molested children in Yeshiva Karlin Stolin. Rabbi Yidi Kolko sexually molested children in Camp MaNaVu. Rabbi Yidi Kolko spends his life around our children. It bears repeating that Rabbi Yidi Kolko is currently a rebbe in Yeshiva Torah Temima.

We have a problem. This is not to say that our wonderful community has more child molesters than other communities. We may even have substantially fewer. The problem is in our propensity to ignore the covering up of these horrendous incidents. Child molesters must be exposed and removed from our midst. Our children must not be subjected to molesters while in school. Rabbi Lipa Margulies must stop his unconscionable employment of this molester and his covering up of this threat. Rabbi Yidi Kolko must resign his position immediately. We can not rest until our children are safe from this scourge.

This mailing should not have been necessary. Both Rabbi Yidi Kolko and Rabbi Lipa Margulies were given advance copies of this letter and advised if Rabbi Yidi Kolko left Yeshiva Torah Temima immediately, this mailing would be stopped. Rabbi Yidi Kolko responded: “the matter has been taken care of” coupled with an offer to meet with his victims in person, one at a time. Rabbi Lipa Margulies responded: “I don’t think he is still a threat and I am responsible for the children” followed by “Anyone who doesn’t like it, doesn’t have to send their children to my yeshiva.” In short, neither of these mechanchim deny the facts, they simply refuse to do the right thing.

We are writing to ask you to speak out and help bring an end to this nightmare. Please call Rabbi Yidi Kolko at 1-718-252-6642 and ask him to resign his position immediately. Please call Rabbi Lipa Margulies at 1-718-438-1900 and ask him to dismiss Rabbi Yidi Kolko immediately. Child molesters must be kept away from our children. Our children deserve no less.

Mr. Margulies, read this news flash very seriously.

Attorney: Spokane Church Offers Settlement
By NICHOLAS K. GERANIOS-Associated Press/AP Online02/01/2006 5:43 PM

SPOKANE, Wash. - The Roman Catholic Diocese of Spokane, which filed for bankruptcy after being barraged with sex-abuse lawsuits, has offered a $45.7 million settlement to 75 people who say they were molested by priests.

Bishop William Skylstad publicly apologized Wednesday to the victims "for the terrible wrongs inflicted on you in the past." He urged Catholics to accept the proposed settlement, which will require money from individual parishes.

"To those of you who say this settlement will be a burden, I would say that this scandal is a burden we can no longer afford not to resolve," said Skylstad, head of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Plaintiffs' lawyer James Stang said a committee representing alleged victims voted Tuesday night to recommend that the offer be accepted.

Under the proposed settlement, the diocese agreed not to describe the plaintiffs as "alleged victims" anymore and to give them the opportunity to address parishes and write about their experiences in the diocesan newspaper. Skylstad also would go to each parish where abuse occurred to identify the offending clergymen, Stang said.

Skylstad also agreed to support the abolition of statutes of limitations on sex crimes, write letters to abused individuals and their families and add two members of a victims group to a board that reviews clergy sex abuse complaints, Stang said.

Some of those who would benefit financially from the offer said the diocese's other concessions were more important.

"Civil litigation was the only way to hold them accountable," abuse victim Mike Corrigan said at a news conference Wednesday. "Most of us would rather they went to jail than get money out of them."

Stang said the offer must be approved by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court and by the victims individually within 120 days.

The settlement would cover all those who have already sued the diocese. There is no provision for anyone who might bring a claim in the future.

The diocese filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2004, citing claims by abuse victims totaling about $77 million against assets of about $11 million.

Two other U.S. dioceses - Tucson, Ariz., and Portland, Ore. - have filed for bankruptcy because of sex abuse claims. A $22.2 million settlement was reached last summer in Tucson, while a federal judge in Portland ruled last month that trials involving as many as 100 plaintiffs could move forward.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Lipa Margulies- This Letter Is Going To Be Mailed To The Entire Frum Community In Ten Days!

I added a new thread to this post at the end of the letter being sent out about the Margulies/Kolko affair; on the lifetime effect molestation has on children!

The following were sent an advance copy of the Kolko/Margulies mailing going out to our community this week.

Yated Ne’eman
Jewish Press
Jewish Observer
Torah Umesorah

Will they react? Will they move to purge our community of this rodeph? Or, will they wait for the secular media and the government to act before they do anything?


There is a chronic child molester in our midst. No, he is not
in hiding nor is he being kept away from our children.
Shockingly, he is a Rebbe in Yeshiva Torah Temima.
Rabbi Lipa Margolies knows of this Rebbe’s history of
sexually molesting children.
Rabbi Lipa Margolies refuses to remove this predator from his yeshiva.
Specifically, Rabbi Lipa Margolies has been repeatedly informed, from sources
independent of each other, that Rabbi Yidi Kolko has sexually molested
countless children during his long career around children.

Rabbi Yidi Kolko sexually molested children in Camp Agudah. Rabbi Yidi Kolko sexually molested children in Yeshiva Karlin Stolin. Rabbi Yidi Kolko sexually molested children in Camp MaNaVu. Rabbi Yidi Kolko spends his life around our children. It bears repeating that Rabbi Yidi Kolko is a Rebbe in Yeshiva Torah Temima.

We have a problem. This is not to say that our wonderful community has a
greater percentage of child molesters than other communities. We may even
have substantially less. Our problem is in our unwillingness to deal with this
horrendous problem. Child molesters must be removed from our midst. Our
children must not be subjected to them. Rabbi Lipa Margolies must stop his
unconscionable covering up of this problem and Rabbi Yidi Kolko must resign his position immediately.

We will not rest until our children are safe from this
scourge.The next move is going to be the mass media. You think your a Knocker?, not to the newspapers and the TV media.

We are writing to ask that you speak out and help bring an end to this problem.
Child molesters must be kept away from our children.
Our children deserve no less.

Concerned people please express your outrage, call Lipa Margulies at 718-438-1900 and Yudi Kolko at 718-252-6642

Lipa Margulies- You have ten days to remove Kolko from the school, or this letter goes out to the entire Frum Community! You Are Warned!!!

A study by Professor Rachel Lev-Wiesel

All the horrible abuses inflicted on the Jews in the Holocaust, did not do as much permanent damage as them being sexually molested.There can be no t'shuva for this great crime against children. The victims are tormented for the rest of their lives.


According to new study, sexual abuse traumas have greater effect on survivors than any other experienced during Holocaust years. 'Abuse still causes incessant thoughts, nightmares,' researcher says.

A new study conducted at the Haifa University reveals that Holocaust survivors who suffered sexual abuse during World War II were much more traumatized by molestation than by any other of the horrifying experiences they went through during that period.

The study, the first ever to focus on the subject, is set to be presented next Sunday in the framework of a conference to mark the international Holocaust Memorial Day at the university.

Prof. Rachel Lev-Wiesel, who conducted the research, said that although the survivors experienced other traumatic events during the holocaust, including the loss of parents, physical abuse and hunger, the memory of sexual abuse remained etched in their minds more than anything else.
"This abuse still causes incessant thoughts on the subject and nightmares," Lev-Wiesel said.

'Survivors told stories with clarity, precision'

The study consists of interviews with 22 men and women in Israel and the United States, who were willing to share with the researcher stories about the abuse they underwent during the war.

Lev-Wiesel said that some people who offered to take part in the study were rejected, because she believed they would not be able to cope with the burden of memories and the self-exposure involved with the interview.

The average age of the interviewees stood at 68 years, and Lev-Wiesel said all have told their story with clarity and precision, in contradiction to how people usually speak of a traumatic event.

This is proof, Lev-Wiesel said, that the survivors retell the story in their heads over and over again, reliving the past daily.

All the survivors interviewed for the study have spent the war years on the run from the Nazis, some at hiding in the houses of Christians, others moving from place to place with the partisans, an easy prey for menacing adults along the way.

According to Prof. Lev-Wiesel, this fact does not eliminate the possibility similar incidents took place at ghettos as well.

Abuser usually close to victim

In some of the cases revealed in the study, the abuse was carried out by relatives or other Jews, which alleviated the trauma and embarrassment among survivors.

In one of the cases the abuser was a man who helped smuggle children from one place to another, in another it was a father who sexually abused his daughter, and in several other incidents – mothers who molested their sons.

Prof. Lev-Wiesel stressed that situations of stress and war do not create pedophiles, but that they enable such people to operate more freely.

Kaduri Passes And Moshiach Is Still In Hiding

Jan. 28, 2006 21:08 Updated Jan. 28, 2006 22:38
Rabbi Yitzhak Kadouri, leading kabbalist, dies

Rabbi Yitzhak Kadouri, one of the best-known rabbis in Israel, and the leading Sephardic kabbalist of his time, died Saturday night at Jerusalem's Bikur Holim Hospital.

Rabbi Kadouri had been hospitalized in Jerusalem's Bikur Holim Hospital for the past two weeks, initially due to a severe lung infection. The rabbi was initially sedated and respirated, but his condition had stabilized until a fungus was discovered in his bloodstream last week.

Zaka reported his funeral will begin Sunday at 1:30 p.m. in Jerusalem's Bokharim neighborhood, with the procession beginning at the Rehov David yeshiva which the rabbi led.

When Rabbi Yitzhak Kadouri was 16 years old Rabbi Yosef Haim, known as the Ben Ish Chaim, the most important Sephardi rabbi of the 19th century, blessed Kadouri with a long life. Apparently the blessing worked.

Nobody knows precisely how old Kadouri was as the time of his death. Estimates range between 106 and 113.

Kadouri arrived in Israel from Bagdad, Iraq at the age of 17 and studied under several legendary kabbalists, including Rabbi Yehuda Pedaya, author of Beit Lechem Yehuda and Rabbi Efraim Cohen, head of a group of kabbalists who studied at Porat Yosef Yeshiva. Other rabbis include Rabbi Ezra Atia, head of Porat Yosef, Rabbi Mansour Ben-Shimon, and Rabbi Salman Eliyahu, father of former Chief Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu.

Kadouri later studied at Rabbi Yehuda Hadaya's Yeshivat Beit El in Jerusalem's Makor Baruch neighborhood. Rabbi Shmuel Darzi, one of Kadouri's
last students/study partners passed away in January. Darzi was in his eighties.

Kadouri s close circle of friends and family say he was one of the few known living kabbalists who use 'practical kabbalah', a type of Jewish magic aimed at affecting a change in the world.

They say Kadouri learned from the great kabbalists of previous generations the practice of writing amulets which heal, enhance fertility, and bring

Also, according to his son David, Kadouri was involved in the removal of at least 20 Dybbuks, lost souls that stray into the hapless bodies of living people to torment them.

However, according to sources close to the ancient mystic, even Kadouri never dabbled in the most dangerous types of Kabbalah that included forcing oaths on demons and evil spirits.

Kabbalists believe that it is possible, in
theory, to use holy names to trap demons and harness their powers. But the father of modern Kabbalah, the type learned in all the Kabbalah Yeshivot of Israel, Rabbi Yitzhak Luria Askneazi [the Ari], forbid the use of practical Kabbalah that involves forcing oaths on demons and evil spirits.

More rational schools of Judaism are skeptical about Kadouri's powers. For instance, haredi Lithuanian yeshiva heads and halachic authorities were conspicuously absent from the list of hospital visitors and rabbis who called to pray for Kadouri.

In contrast, in certain Sephardi circles Kadouri is considered a miracle worker. Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of testimonials by Kadouri's faithful
back up this claim to supernatural power. But even in the Sephardi yeshiva world rabbis such as Ovadia Yosef belittled Kadouri s ability to work

Nevertheless, few doubted Kadouri's righteousness. For most of his life Kadouri was unknown to the general public. He led a modest life of study and
prayer. He worked as a bookbinder.

Kadouri s became known as a supernatural mystic began during and after the Yom Kippur War. Families of soldiers missing in action came to Kadouri to ask him to use his powers to determine whether their loved ones were dead or alive.

Kadouri s popularity reached an all-time high in the 1996 elections when the centenarian kabbalist s amulets helped Shas achieve an amazing electoral success.

At the time Shas was at an electoral low point. It's long stint with Labor, which led to the Oslo Accords, had repelled Shas's predominantly rightwing constituency. The haredi Ashkenazi rabbinic establishment had blackballed the Sephardi party for bucking Rabbi Elazar Menachem Man Shach, the undisputed spiritual leader of Lithuanian haredi Judaism. Polls were forecasting that Shas would drop from six to four mandates.

The idea to use Kadouri s spiritual prowess to help Shas win the elections belonged to Shas chairman Aryeh Deri. Deri told the haredi weekly Bekehila that God showed him the light when he joined the annual Rosh Hashana pilgrimage to the gravesite of Rabbi Nachman of Breslav at Uman, Ukraine.

Shas managed to distribute 100,000 amulets before Chairman of the elections committee Theodore Or prohibited their use. Soon after Ofir Pines-Paz drafted a bill ratified by the Knesset that anchored Or's prohibition in legislation. But the amulets did the trick: Shas mustered 10 mandates.

In the 2003 elections Kadouri's grandson Yossi, who had demanded, and been refused, a realistic spot on the Shas list, attempted to use his grandfather to rekindle the electoral success of 1996 with his own political party called Ahavat Yisrael. But the party failed to gain the minimum votes needed to enter the Knesset.

Kadouri's son David claims his father passed on to him the secrets of amulet-writing. However, others claim that Kadouri's metaphysical powers cannot be inherited.

"He is the last of a lost generation," said one source close to the Kadouri family.

UOJ Comments

I hope he is the last of his generation. People love being made fools of and there's more than enough people willing to oblige.
Kaduri's divulging his dream of meeting the Moshiach is scandalous. Anyone can make up stuff and get it right part of the time. Enough already with these phony kabbalists and Moshiach greeters

I found a whole bunch of people looking for Moshiach as well! Why can't we all JUST GET ALONG and go looking for this guy together?

'Hot line' set up to usher in Shiite messiah
By Scott Peterson
The Christian Science Monitor
Tucson, Arizona | Published: 01.08.2006
advertisementQOM, Iran — Have a quick question about when the Mahdi is coming to save mankind, according to Shiite Muslim adherents? Need to know the signs?
Just call the new messiah "hot line." Or log on to Bright Future News Agency to get the latest religious readout — all part of the effort by freshly rejuvenated true believers in Iran to spread their message of the imminent return of the Mahdi, the 12th imam who is expected to return to impose justice and spread peace.
"People are anxious to know when and how will he rise; what they must do to receive this worldwide salvation," says Ali Lari, a cleric at the Bright Future Institute in Iran's religious center of Qom.
"The timing is not clear, but the conditions are more specific," he adds. "There is a saying: 'When the students are ready, the teacher will come.' "
Paving the way is a renewed commitment to "Mahdaviat" beliefs by the ultraconservative government of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who lives so modestly that declared assets include only a 30-year-old car, an even older house and an empty bank account.
These ideologues see the creation of the Islamic Republic in 1979 and efforts to rekindle its revolutionary ideals as critical to paving the way for the Mahdi's return.
That return — which they believe will happen soon — will prompt a global battle between good and evil (not unlike biblical "Armageddon" interpretations), and herald an era of justice, peace and the ultimate triumph of Shiite Islam.
The Bright Future Institute is preparing the ground, a leaflet explains, by developing the "true culture" of waiting for the Mahdi, "reject(ing) wrong ideas and preparing scientific answers to respond (to) superstitions," while working to "accomplish an ideal society which Imam Mahdi wants."
While he waits, Morteza Rabaninejad sits at a computer with a telephone and headset, answering five calls and 10 letters a day.
Started in 2004, the institute is the eighth of its kind in Iran to study and even speed the Mahdi's return. But it is the largest and most influential, with 160 staff, a growing reach in local schools, children's and teen magazines, and unlimited ambition to spread the word.
The blend of modern technology and ancient prophecy echoes efforts of U.S. evangelicals who use 45 categories — from liberalism to natural disasters — to predict the "end time," when holy people will experience rapture and go to heaven. For them, the Rapture Index is at 151; anything higher than 145 means "fasten your seat belts," because of what they deem a high level of prophetic activity.
Critics in Iran and outside dismiss end-of-timers as unscientific, traditional followers of myths. To counter those critics, the institute's news agency began churning out reports in Arabic three months ago.
"There is a gap between us and the popular media," says editor-in-chief Sayed Ali Pourtabatabaie. "We started the idea of a messiah news agency of the Mahdi (because) we thought we needed a news agency to publish his news."

This is really important for anyone who ever committed sexual sins

Kabbalists hold prayers to rectify sexual sins

Kabbalists and their followers in dozens of Kabbalah yeshivot across the country this week began a six-week regimen of special prayers and fasting, known as Tikkun Shovavim or Tikkun Habrit, to rectify the spiritual damage caused by sex-related transgressions and, more specifically, nocturnal emissions.

"These six weeks are particularly propitious for the expiation of these sins and for raising up sparks of holiness trapped as a result of these transgressions," said Rabbi Yitzhak Batzri of Yeshivat Shalom in Jerusalem.
Batzri explained that the six weeks of prayers and fasting coincide with the six weekly public Torah readings in synagogues of the first half of Exodus. These readings tell the story of the Jewish nation's bondage in Egypt and conclude with the revelation on Sinai and the giving of the Torah. Shovavim is an acronym for the names of these six weekly portions.

"Just as the children of Israel went down into Egypt, a place of impurity and defilement, to raise up holy sparks, so too can we rectify what we have damaged in the spiritual world and raise up holy sparks," Batzri said.
Every day during these six weeks select kabbalists, such as Rabbi David Batzri and Rabbi Benayahu Shmueli, fast and pray. However, mass prayers are normally said on Mondays and Thursdays. These prayers, which include special kabbalistic intentions or "kavanot," last for several hours.
Batzri said that evil demons from "the other side" use nocturnal emissions to create more demons.

"Most of our troubles are caused by these demons," said Batzri. "They hurt us, they hurt our children, they cause poverty." Batzri said that the special prayer, which includes the reading of portions of the Zohar, fasting and repentance can destroy these demons.

At Yeshivat Nahar Shalom, headed by Rabbi Benayahu Shmueli, in addition to the prayers said for rectifying the damage from nocturnal emissions, prayers are also recited for other sexual transgressions such as having relations with a married women, homosexual intercourse, and having relations with a gentile woman.

"Even if someone never did one of these sins, he might have done it in a past life," said Dror, one of Shmueli's aides, expressing the kabbalistic belief in reincarnation.

Sephardi Jews are more likely to take part in Tikkun Shovavim prayers, although there are a few Ashkenazi yeshivot for the learning of Kabbalah, including Sha'ar Hashamayim and Anshei Ma'amad, both in Jerusalem. Many hassidic sects also take part in the special prayers.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Orthodox Senator Joe Lieberman Calls For Special Session Of Congress To Replace George Washington As The Father Of Our Country With The Tendler Boys

Special To UOJ

Senator Joseph Lieberman was urged by Rabbi Milton Balkany to replace George Washington as the "father of our country", with the Tendler brothers.
At an urgent meeting last week at the home of Uncle Milty, Pesach Lerner from the Young Israel suggested that the Tendler brothers "slept here & slept there", covering both coasts, whereas the first president only spent his time on the East Coast.

The Orthodox senator understood the importance of such a change. He contacted Newt Gingrich and Dick Morris to assist him in getting this legislation through the Senate. Assisting Gingrich and Morris in the "down & dirty," is Ms. Paula Jones from Arkansas.

George Tsuris has set up a new organization called "MoveonJewishwomen.mit/organ", and Michael Moore offered to produce a film called "105 degrees fahrenheit in the rabbinate".

UOJ is pleased to see the positive impact Orthodox rabbis are playing in the United States government.

Forget about silly legislation like tuition tax credits or vouchers; or really stupid legislation like registering sex offenders so the yeshivas would not hire them.
We have really important stuff to do with our political clout.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Mordecai Tendler's Brother Aron Tendler Forced To Resign His Position As Rabbi Or The Shul Was Going To Fire Him

Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2006 22:52:16 EST
From: vickipolin@aol.com
Subject: Case of Rabbi Aron Tendler (Los Angeles, CA)

Case of Rabbi Aron Tendler (Los Angeles, CA)

Many of you may or may not know that over the last several years there
have been serious allegations of professional sexual misconduct
(with minors) made that Rabbi Aron Tendler of North Hollywood, CA.
Earlier tonight I was informed that Rabbi Aron Tendler was offered the opportunity to resign from his position as rabbi at Shaarey Zedek Congregation, instead of being fired. He chose to resign.
If you or anyone you know has been abused by Rabbi Aron Tendler, and
need resources please do not hesitate to contact The Awareness Center, Inc.
or your local rape crisis center.

The Awareness Center, Inc.

Rabbi Aron Tendler, Brother of Rabbi Mordecai Tendler

He served as teacher, Assistant Principal, and Principal at the (girls)
Yeshiva University of Los Angeles High School.
Rabbi Aron Tendler was replaced as principal of the girls YULA circa
1990 after reports that he molested teenage girls. The principal of secular
studies at YULA at the time, Dr. Bruce Powell, was adament that Aron had to go.
Instead of calling him "Rav Aron," his students was at YULA, behind
his back, called him "Rub Aron."

Rabbi Aron Tendler has told people, including women he was intimate
with, that he was molested as a boy.

"We were at an all-girls school," says a former student. "Our hormones
were going nuts. And Aron Tendler was there. He was flirty. He had two or
three buttons of his shirt unbuttoned, walking up and down the hallway. He
provoked it. Kids bored in school were flirting with him. I can't say he touched
people unwillingly. I think they did it and then afterwards asked, ohmigod,
what happened?"He wasn't someone who was going to force himself him on you. Years
laterthe girls woke up later and said, this was wrong.
"Before he'd have an affair, he'd discuss the halacha [Jewish law]
aboutwasting sperm.

"Whenever it gets down to it, Aron gets afraid and removes himself. I
heard he removed himself from the RCC. I'm surprised he isn't resigning from
Sharei Tzedek. He has to be crazy to want this all to go public.
"He was very careful in the girls that he picked. He always picked
girls who came from troubled homes, so that if we went public, he could say that
we're crazy.

"I don't judge anyone, but when you stand on a podium and portray
yourself as better than everyone else, and you say that we're crazy, that's the
issue I have. He's living a double life. He's been cheating on his wife for 20
years."When you're in the Jewish world and you look at Aron Tendler, you
might think he's sexy, but when you're in the outside secular world, and you
look at him again, it's like night and day.

"Aron told one of the girls that he had had an affair while his wife
Esther was pregnant and she miscarried, and he always felt it was punishment
for cheating on her.

"He told me stories about a woman in Beverly Hills and when her
husband was away, he would go over to her house and they would just lie in bed
naked together. He was all into the halacha against spilling your seed.
"He shouldn't be running a shul. If two adults want to have an affair,
then have an affair. It's morally incorrect but not worth tattling about.

"[For several years after highschool], I couldn't be at an event where
he didn't approach me. There could be 500 people in the room. He would
make it straight to me and ask me if I wanted to go outside and talk. I
thought, aren't people wondering what we're talking about?
I realized he was telling people I had problems and I needed to talk to him. But really, he was flirting with me. "When he'd walk away, he'd be standing with some single guy and they'd be looking back at me and laughing. I remember saying to him once, 'Were you talking against me?' I was so naive. I thought, he's not going to talk lashon hara [evil speech]. He's a rabbi. I must be imagining it.

"Then [fellow student and friend] would tell me things he would tell
her about me, and he would tell me things about her, so finally I realized
he was talking against me. When I'd bring this up to him, he'd say, 'You know
I love you.'

"SSS was much more damaged by him than me. She confronted him
recently. He said to her, 'I'd talk to you about it but I'm still sick.' He admits
it."If I was him, I'd say, 'I need help.' Play the victim. Just stop
telling people that we're crazy and lying. That just forces people to tell
their stories.

"The Sharei Tzedek board was told two years ago these stories and all
they did was blame the women.

"A letter was written to his wife Esther two years ago with
everybody's story in it. Esther got it and almost had a heart attack.
"The wife had to know that what was in the letter was true because it
was filled with intimate details about their marriage that he had told all
of us.

Even a girl who stayed in their house and the situation she had with

There's been a lukewarm investigation of Rabbi Aron Tendler by the RCC
(Rabbinical Council of California) for charges that he sexually
molesting under-age teenage girls, many of whom were under his rabbinic authority (either at YULA, NCSY or elsewhere). The stories about his behavior have gone on
for years. Every major Orthodox rabbi knows about the complaints against Rabbi
Aron Tendler, including Rabbi Best, Rabbi Nahum Sauer, Rabbi Fassman, Rabbi
Avraham Union, yet Rabbi Aron Tendler maintains his pulpit.

Now women in their 30s (and some younger) who say they were molested
by rabbi Tendler in their teens are coming forward.
No civil lawsuit has been filed against Aron Tendler in this matter
(due to its nature, the women who say that Rabbi Aron Tendler molested them
don't want to go public as most of them have familes of their own, and communities
tend to rally around their leaders and stigmatize those who accuse the
leaders of sexual misconduct).

Aron is popular with his peers who are loathe to discipline him. Aron
is a "nice guy." He's "humble."

UOJ comments

The offer of resignation is something every school or shul should do to avoid a prolonged ugly battle.
Aron had the decency to resign, something his brother should have done a long time ago.
My heart goes out to Rabbi Moshe Tendler and his family.

Aron Tendler's letter of resignation

"It is with mixed emotions that I write you today to let you know of my decision that, after 22 wonderful years, I have decided to step down as rabbi of Shaarey Zedek," Tendler wrote in a letter to the 400-member families of the Orthodox synagogue.

"This has been a decision I have contemplated for some time, and after great soul searching and deliberation and with the full support of Esther and the family, I decided that it was time to explore other opportunities and embark on a new aspect of my personal and professional life."

Tendler wrote that he intends to stay in the community but wants to spend more time with his family and pursuing writing, teaching and other projects.

"On occasion, I would like to sleep for more than four hours. Selfishly put, I want more time, and if not now when?" he wrote. Tendler will stay on through the High Holidays and help the search committee in its quest to find a new rabbi.

"Rabbi Tendler turned innumerable lives around, and it will be a great loss for us," Brad Turell, Shaarey Zedek’s communications director, told The Journal. "He’s very talented and we wish him the best."

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Journalist Needs YOUR Help!


My name is Jennifer and I am a freelance reporter based in New York City. Over the past few years I have become increasingly aware about the issue of sexual abuse within the ultra-Orthodox and Hasidic worlds. I would very much like to write a story about this topic that would aim to show how the authorities are failing to protect children and that would explore various solutions to this problem. In order to write this story, I need to speak with men and women who experienced the travesty of sexual abuse and have an interest in speaking out.

If you wish, your anonymity would be protected in any future article but I would need to meet with you in person.

If you have an interest in speaking with me, you can reach me by e-mail or phone at:

P.S by begreatfull: I removed the email and phone number from this article, since I dont want to be responsible for her getting harrasing phone calls, but if you wish to contact her by email or phone please e-mail me at Begreatfull@gmail.com I will provide the info.

Many thanks for your help.


Wiesenthal director boycotts Holocaust event, because they can't make money honoring truly religious Jews

Wiesenthal director boycotts Holocaust event

UOJ Comments at the end of this article

An event dedicated to lauding the wartime achievements of both Jewish and gentile rescuers was boycotted Tuesday evening by Dr Efraim Zuroff, director of the Wiesenthal Center in Jerusalem, because of his displeasure that Holocaust historian Prof. David Kranzler from New York had been invited to speak.( Nonsense-UOJ)

Zuroff, who recently launched a worldwide campaign called Last Chance, aimed at catching lesser known Nazi war criminals, rescinded his original agreement to participate in the privately sponsored International Rescuer Day 2006 due to a fundamental disagreement with Kranzler's largely positive analysis of the Orthodox leadership's actions at that time, which Zuroff claims is "both nonobjective and hagiographical."

Zuroff said his main concern was that Kranzler had contributed to the portrayal of groups such as the Va'ad Hatzala (an Orthodox rescue committee established in 1939) in an overly biased light, though he did admit that his decision to cancel was also personal.

"Kranzler accused me of purposely falsifying research in order to increase sales of my own book on this topic," he said. "I therefore cannot endorse any initiative that acknowledges or rewards him.">(He did falsify just about everything-UOJ)

In response, Kranzler asserted that the harsh criticism meted out to Zuroff's book in an essay he wrote for the Orthodox Union magazine Jewish Action was completely justified, further insisting, "I challenge anybody to evaluate my own work, which is based on primary evidence and many original manuscripts."(Zuroff never could or did challenge Kranzler-UOJ)

Larry Pfeffer, founder of the Jerusalem Working Group, which hosted the event at the Beit Belgia building in the Givat Ram campus of Hebrew University, said he was, "disappointed at Zuroff's cancellation." He pointed out that January 17 had been specifically chosen for the event because it was also the date of Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg's capture by the Soviets in 1945.

But Pfeffer noted that the major purpose of the event was to enlighten the public about the actions of true Jewish heroes such as Rabbi Michael Ber Weissmandel and Recha Sternbuch, and to push for wider credence to their achievements.

( Zuroff says to himself, I can't make money off "truly" religious Jews, so why waste my time. Besides Marvin the Jewish midget in L.A. said it would hurt the feeling of the Jews in Hollywood whose asses he kisses on a daily basis-UOJ)

Dr Robert Rozett, director of the Yad Vashem libraries, said that due to the large number of Jews who assisted their kin in the Holocaust, it was almost impossible to honor them all. He added that "not everything that happened in the Holocaust should be dealt with by giving an award.( unless it's people with mega-bucks-UOJ)

Rather, it is far more important that children learn about the widespread help that people offered each other in this time of crisis.(Did you ever hear of such a crock of s***?"-UOJ)

The theme of the evening was "beacons in the dark" and the occasion included a talk given by Louise de Dardel (Raoul Wallenberg's niece), an exhibition by artist Hannah Omer and the performance of new songs by David Ben Reuven.

UOJ comments

The Wiesenthal Center distances itself from events that do not promote their agenda.
Their agenda is the Holocaust that "sells", Jews with beards don't sell, even though the individual responsible for saving the most Jews during the war was Rabbi Weissmandel.

Has anyone seen a photo of Rabbi Weissmandel in the Weisenthal Center? Marvin the midget Hier would rather focus on over the top stories of Weisenthal, rather than an ehrliche Yid who saved hundreds of thousands Jews.

So Midgetel Marvin tells Zuroff not to go to this event; and of course Zuroff wants to be employed at the new two hundred million dollar museum in Jerusalem, so he listens.

Marvin's million dollar salary from the Holocaust is really not enough for this ignoramus, dyed hair huckster, Hollywood hunchback; dismissal of a truly ehrliche yid's accomplishments that overshadows everything and anything Weisenthal ever did, is.

Thursday, January 19, 2006


I want to give my readers a heads up. If we get hacked again, click on "profile view" for the new address, or e-mail me at a_unorthodoxjew@yahoo.com to get our new address.
These guys will run out of money, before I stop blogging.

Hey hacker, F*** You!

Dear UOJ,

I'm the one who sabatoged your last web-blog domain.

I'm almost finished wrapping up my program ;) for this newer address. Writing a few scripts, and sourcing at the moment...have to get paid first.. before anything is finalized with this newer address....

I'm actually enjoying this (this is all true).

I just would like for you to know that I have no personal agenda with you. In actuality I could care less about your positions or reportings on this blog.

I am a computer programmer and technician by proffession (I work for a major IT company)and a comp. geek as a passion.

I was reffered to my new customer through a mutual associate. This new customer is the guy with the axe to grind. He is the one who is paying me to make your blogging life a living hell, so that you wil ultimately go under or have to incorporate new urls again and again to keep yourself afloat (another way of killing your readership...)

I'm sorry pal I'm just trying to earn a living...hey I aint even Jewish...

Figured I'd get a kick outa writing this to you and your remaining few readers.

Whether you do or don't believe the veracity of my claims is entirely up to you.

Watch your back :))

Posted by WebMaster K to Un-Orthodox Jews at 1/19/2006 05:33:13 PM